Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Do Not Let Fear Control Our Lives!

The enemy operates even more at your spiritual high. Be prepared for the enemies at what you think are your greatest moments. Jesus fed the thousands and the apostles were elated. Yet, after the miracle Jesus told the apostles to get on the boat and set out for the other side, he will be with them later. That night, a great storm took over their euphoria and they became frightful. They forgot who they were with and the miracle they left. Fear overwhelmed them and seeing Christ walking on the water that night scared them, too. They were afraid that he was a ghost. We all will experience fear sometime during our lives but we can't let it overcome us. When Peter was on the water with Jesus, fear almost caused him to drown. Christ asked why he doubted him.  Like Peter we become fearful because we don't think God will help us. We focus on the fear than focus on what God can do. Do we doubt the goodness of the Lord? Job 3:25. Job was afraid about his circumstances. Here are a few tips.

1) Look out for the unexpected storms that pop up in our lives. Don't give up in the middle of the storm, go through it! Don't let the storm stop you from your destination. Sometimes we go through things to see what God can do. The unexpected things bless us in unusual ways. 2) God sees our struggles and He knows when to show up. Sometimes the blessing is in the struggle. Do not despise your position. We are where God wants us to be. 3) We must look beyond our fears and keep the faith. Remember that His Hands are on us. Keep your eyes on Jesus because the enemy wants us to look elsewhere. In the midst of what terrifies us the most our eyes should be on the Lord, our God. We can not let fear control our lives! We must trust and keep our faith in God!

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