Monday, August 25, 2014

Look Unto Jesus!

We are challenged to look beyond things and people.  Things and people can distract us from our God-given purpose in life.  The enemy wants us to concentrate on what we are going through not beyond our situation.  We have come through some things that even caused us nightmares but we did. God sometimes put us in a position to confront our fears. God wants us to turn our fears into faith.  We need to look to Him not to things or people because they can not do what He can.  We innocently rely on the wrong sources.  Sometimes we have to disconnect from these sources and connect with Jesus! We may consider our “arrival” in society as being successful with all the accouterments that we acquired along the way.  We forget the people who prayed on their knees every night and stuck by us everyday for asking God to help us.  We do not have a clue what situations they were going through because of their selfless love and faith.  The first sign of struggle that we had to face we cried out our woes and lose hope.  The enemy wants to destroy us and wants us to think we are alone. What happened to our faith?  Many people have gone through worse stuff than we have and they still do not give up.  They are not alone! They know that God is with them. They know the author of their faith is Jesus.  What Jesus starts, He finishes!  If the Lord will not fix the problem, it can not be fixed.  Our problem is when we want God to resolve our problem when we want it done. We forget that we are not in control and want our situation taken care of right now.  If we stay in faith, we will realize that it is not our timing but the Lord’s. The miracle is coming and for all we know it may already be there!  We get too caught in up in stuff that we do not even notice until afterwards.  Keep our eyes on Jesus and look beyond our situation!  And when your breakthrough comes, get on your knees and thank the Lord for His love and mercy. Do not forget this time and all of the times He has brought you through your struggles.  We all are living testimonies! Let us call on the name of Jesus! He did not die in vain for us! His love and mercy endures forever!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0