Wednesday, May 7, 2014

As I Get Older…

I learned that I’m not smart at all.  I’m too quick to answer before I hear the complete message and see only from my perspective.  Not very smart because I’m doing the opposite of being quick to listen and slow to speak.  I learned that I have hurt the people that I love and that loved me.  I thought I was considerate but obviously selfish fulfilling my own needs.  I disappointed those that believed in me.  That’s not being wise just inconsiderate.  I learned that if God has ordered my steps then who am I to think that I can control my destiny?  That’s not smart period!  I learned that when people cross paths during our journey living that they all have something we can share along the way.  Whether it’s good or bad, we should take away the teachable moment.  I learned that God is a lot more patient than I am and He wants me to be patient, too.  God also wants me to share in His divine love even if I am selfish.  I learned that I can’t control my past, present and future.  I can attempt do what is pleasing to God and if I stumble or fall, He will help me recover.  I learned that if God forgives me, I should forgive others, I’ve done more wrong to Him than they did to me.  I also learned that I have a harder time forgiving and recovering from the offenses. I learned that life has a lot of challenges but I have learned that all things are possible to God, Who gives us the means to overcome those challenges.  I learned that you don’t forget the wonderful memories you gathered over the years.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0