Monday, May 5, 2014

Misdirected Outrage!

Let's keep it simple!  The outrage towards Donald Sterling, the LA Clippers owner, is misdirected!  The same ploy was used against Paula Deen.  The outrage should be directed to our politicians who gerrymandered the voting districts who refuse to support the military, the unemployed, the outcasts, the poor, the middle-class and progress of this country!  The Supreme Court who has allowed revising the Voting Rights Acts since there is no more racism in this country and no limits on campaign contributions.  Money talks, folks!  Where is the outrage with the Wall Street CEOs and traders who get more money in a year than most people will get in a lifetime.  Not much was said about Cliven Bundy who owes the government money and still has time to talk about Negroes!  Yes, there is a problem but why is that we only hear about a selective few?  How many people in power discuss how they feel about certain groups that we will never hear?  Like I said, misdirected outrage!

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