Thursday, January 20, 2011

“Your Past and Your Future Can Not Coexist!”

The Future is Bright and Indescribable!

Read it again, now say it slow, and let it soak.  “Your Past and Your Future Can Not Coexist!”  Think about it.  Reverend Colley, a confidant, God’s soldier, told me this yesterday.  In one of his sermons, he told his congregation that 2011 is empty.  It’s up to us how we fill it.  We can’t look back at last year and think that if we continue the same things we did that they’ll somehow change this year.  We can learn from the past, if we choose to gain experience, knowledge and wisdom from it.  This can shape us in a positive, productive way.  But our past and future cannot exist side by side on the same plane.  They must remain separate.  Visions and dreams of the future are learned from the past but in order to go forward we must look ahead.  Try walking backwards.  You will always see where you’ve been but you don’t have a clue to where you going.  In fact, you just might back into something you didn’t mean to which could be a major problem.  Has any of this sunk in yet?  If you had a bad relationship with someone, do you carry the baggage to a new one?  If you do, what usually happens?  That relationship ends most likely like the previous one.  But, if you had a bad experience with a vendor but the company is now under new management, would you return because you have seen that the services are now more customer-related and superb?  Yes, the past was an experience but you learned from it.  We all go through something.  None of us are exempt from having problems, trials and tribulations are a part of living.  But having God by our side, we can turn and face forward to deal with the concerns of today.  Why worry about tomorrow when we don’t have any control over today.  We can only hope and pray that God’s blessings will always be with us.  I think it’s good to know where you've been but better to strive for improvement in the future.  The choice is yours!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0