Monday, January 31, 2011

Whatever Valley You’re In, God Is Up To Something!

I overslept this morning and missed Mass this past Sunday.  I usually feel remorse when this happens but I was just tired discombobulated that morning.  But I wanted to give God some time so instead of going to church, I brought church to me by listening to T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen and for the very first time, Dr. Charles Stanley.  I truly believed that sermon was meant for me to listen to.  Yes, it was my first time giving Dr. Stanley any attention, I did try before some time back but his approach didn’t grab me.  I don’t know, maybe it just wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  I like Joyce Myers, too.  I think this time with Dr. Stanley, I felt a very personal approach, especially, his explanation about how he felt when he lost his mother.  There are so many people that have shared some time in the valley for so many reasons.  But what impressed me most about Dr. Stanley was his explanation on why we were in the valleys.  Here are Dr. Stanley’s four points dealing with valleys.  1) Surrender your life to God. 2) Believe that the valley experience will work for our good.  3) Rest in God.  4) Thank God for bringing you through the valley.  God takes us to another mountain.  To give a testimony don’t we have to go through a test?  Another important tenet is what did we learn?  We have to go through the valleys to get to another mountain.  God is leading us to better things.  We can’t understand the preparation but our Shepherd won’t lead us astray.  All we need to do is follow Him and strengthen our relationship with God.  The Good Shepherd takes care of His sheep because He loves us and only wants the best for us.  The same thing a loving and caring father would do.  The valleys are opportunities for us to establish a relationship with God.  At the time we don’t see it.  All we see are the problems and our focus is more on why is this happening to us and our loved ones.  How can we think we are heading to another mountain when all we see are major concerns?  The Lord is our Shepherd (23rd Psalm).  David knew what was going on.  In his valleys he still cried out to God for help and forgiveness.  But despite what David was going through, he did not take his focus on how merciful and loving God is.  The 23rd Psalm is a very powerful prayer, a prayer said more times in sorrow than joy.  Yet, it is a joyous prayer stating that our needs are met and that we have nothing to fear because God is always with us.  “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever”.  How faithful was David?  How faithful can we be?

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0