Thursday, October 7, 2010

Does God Exists? At Least For Me, He Does!!!

Man has been trying to answer this question for centuries.  Scientists, biologists, and even politicians have thrown their hats in the ring.  And now, don’t think I’m trying to enter the arena because I won’t.  My question is, do angels exist?  If you think angels exist and I’m sure that they do, then there must be a superior being who created them.  If you think that none of the above exists then that’s your issue, not mine.  I personally think that God and angels exist.  Even our brightest scientists and doctors can’t figure out how the human body was formed and how it functions to survive. I’m not going to tackle this subject; I just want to bring attention to it.  I saw the show, GLEE, “Grilled Cheesus” the other night and the writers approached this subject with fairness, sensitivity, and respect to believers and nonbelievers.  Young people have their own opinions about spirituality not always the same that might have been handed down.  Everybody wants to believe in something and/or somebody. We look for peace and truth in our lives to fulfill something.  Many of us seek answers from our own personal God.  At times, we seem doubt God but we’re actually doubt ourselves. We doubt our personal trust in God because we think that He’s not doing what we want Him to do.  Either He’s not moving fast enough or it’s usually not the way we want Him to.  Our trust and faith are constantly tested but they are strengthened by our patience in God.  It’s not easy because we are so used to giving up without fighting back.  That’s why so many of us are easily persuaded by others because we’re not strong enough.  We have to accept the fact that we are weak and made strong by the grace of God who is our rock and salvation.  God will have His way, in His time.  But His decision will always be the right one.  Well, now you see my position, I’m a believer.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0