Friday, March 26, 2010

Opinions Are Like *******s, All Of Us Got One!

Efforts were made to pass this historical health care reform bill recently. It wasn’t perfect but it was a start. After nearly a hundred years, the nation has once again made a leap into the future. The problem is resistance to change. It wouldn’t have mattered if we had the same benefits our politicians have, the bill would have still been wrong. Someone will still complain about it. I will address that later. Everyone has an opinion but where these same people years ago? Reform does not come easy and change is even harder. Even in the Clinton years when the bill failed, why didn’t people speak out? Those of us that have insurance see it costing more every year and we’re not getting any cost of living raises at all. Yet, we’re not cursing and spitting on anyone. We’re not even calling our local representatives, and heaven forbid that we call our state representatives and senators. Why didn’t we raise all of this raucous during the Bush years? Where were the Tea Party folks then? I can make an educated guess. It appeared that once Obama became President, the Republicans made a concentrated, strategic decision to find ways to make the administration fail. Words of Waterloo and I hope he fails became a mantra among the ultra-conservatives. Who by the way, no longer consider moderate republicans as republicans. These mindless, Rush Limbaugh followers only complained about everything this president did. They offered many complaints but were unwilling or unable to offer solutions. They lied about willing to work with the president, it was a front. All along hidden forces and even conservative networks and radio stations begin agitating the ultra conservatives, who never like the president and will never like him, into a boisterous, mean, hate-filled, and combative mob. And while this baby was being born, our republican leaders stood on the sidelines and watch this undisciplined baby grow. Yet, they did not even bother to intervene when the newborn became threatening, disrespectful, and mean towards anyone that did not look like them. Stir them up! So are our politicians representing only certain groups? Then if so, they are not standing up for the people! If these politicians were thinking about the people even a year ago when the debate began, why didn’t they offer us the same federal benefits they have? How can they call this bill unconstitutional? Of course, they said that about the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Seems to me, these politicians are only representing a certain segment of the people. I guess they don’t realize that minorities voted for them, too! I am too disgusted. I can’t believe that these educated representatives of the people can’t stand up to the Limbaughs, O’Reillys, and Becks or anyone that preach divisiveness or teach hate. I’m guessing because these media personalities have a large listening audience that will mindlessly obey them who to vote for. We can all make rational decisions between right and wrong but we don’t. Who tells the best lie or who makes the best case even though it is still a lie will determine the votes. Education is so important but too many people just won’t read. And we can’t believe everything we read except the Bible. We believe that if so and so said it, it must be the truth. I say it’s time to vote them out and find representatives that can work together for the good of this nation. The world will leave us behind and we’ll wind up looking like a bunch of dummies. The lobbyists have paid these chaps too much money and it is time for them to go! Violence is not the answer but it’s being pumped up and the media seems to walk this kind of news.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0