Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil!

All poor people are not lazy and all lazy people are not poor. We seem to hear a lot of negativity about the unemployed that are receiving federal benefits. “They can find a job at fast food place.” “Lazy people shouldn’t get unemployment that I’m giving to the federal government.” How shameful!!! What goes around comes around. There are plenty of Americans that are looking for work, that want to work, that want to provide for their family but can’t find any jobs. Not many people are hiring. But these naysayers can’t seem to understand that. All they seem to do is complain and whine about how much they are paying into the federal system and that their great-grandchildren will be paying for this huge deficiency in the economy. Why couldn’t they protest about outsourcing and buying American? We are all at the leisure of our employers. They can go out of business, cut back, or move to another location. Hopefully, not overseas. But our protesters are so concerned about where there money is going now where were they when it was being spent on wars and fleecing America? What about not knowing where it was being spent, but still everything was fine? There were no mass protests then! Well now, with a new president, that does not look like the them, these protesters are now up in arms and supporting selfish politicians that are hell bent on watching this country fail without contributing a single action to dam this flood of hate and hostility. To borrow a phrase from one protester when asked, “Why did you join this movement?” The answer was, “We all hate the same thing!” Damn what is good for this country and damn this new president who wants to make this country better for all people! We have an image in this world to maintain, right? We are a super power, superior above all nations! We have our attitudes to show for it, too! That’s why there are those in the country willing to divide this country and repeat our past failings and problems and those willing to allow it to happen. The general consensus is they’re angry with Washington but should be ‘fess up to being angry with the President because he is who he is. Labels such as socialists and liberalists abound when it comes to helping your fellow man. How many of us actually know the inner workings of the political process unless someone tells us? How many of us can tell the difference between the truth and lie? It’s harder to tell the truth, you might not get the results you want. But, lies can have severe consequences. The “old folk” used to say “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” In other words, the devil hates truth and honest and he’s working hard to impress his evil on all of us. By telling the truth, you showed him how strong God’s Will is over his. It looks like too many people are giving up hope and not feeling God’s Will. Let me tell you something! God is in control! Don’t forget it! How many people believe that everything they read or see in the internet is true? Most importantly, how many people want to believe in something? There is a class war going on besides the racial war underneath. Yes, a class war. The Middle-class is shrinking. The rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. The protesters can’t see it because they are so blinded by hate and lies. We are being led to the slaughterhouse and don’t know it because we are all pawns for the powers-that-be. Reapportionment is designed to keep the incumbents in so how can we vote them out? Is there actually a conspiracy theory? I have a lot of questions in this entry but I’ll doubt I’ll get answers. I suppose it is easier to criticize others than offer a real solution.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0