Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Great Deception

Since this past year, I have never seen such venomous, hate-filled speech directed at our new president. Racist banners and signs are going up everywhere at rallies and on various university campuses. It has been a no-win situation in everything he’s done or wanted to do. The president has been fighting every inch of the way. You can say what you want but I can, too. And I’m saying that the president is truly hated. The disguise can be used against his policies but the bottom line, racism is alive and well. That’s a dirty word to some because it’s either doesn’t exist or “I’m not that way.” Some will go as far to say that’s an excuse to use the race card but will not go as far as to discuss and resolve the problem. All I hear is bashing and using code words. Do our politicians think we are dumb or still inferior as in the slavery days? I think all of them should be voted out of office. Are any of them concerned about the welfare of this nation? The republicans hide behind the tea party folks and will not speak against the hate speech that is being spewed. They are ignoring the majority of their constituents in their states hoping to get reelected. The loudest voice is always heard. These politicians are not that dumb not to recognize the racist undertones in those speeches made by those discontented with the government. I question where were these people in previous administrations? It appears that some groups of people are willing to divide and destroy this nation under this administration to make a point. What they would love to say is that it was a black man that destroyed this country but won’t because they are still hiding behind the electronic media instead of hoods. Yes, I said it. There is a minority of sincere haters bent on separating the races and destroying this country. And, they don’t care! If all you have to say about me is what I do wrong but can’t offer any help or resolutions, you won’t me to fail! CPAC has not offered one good thing to say about this administration or government or to improve the way of life for all Americans. It sounds like their only interest is destroying this country. If the tea party folks are disgruntled Americans, where are the bulk of the minorities? If any group of people can be disgruntled, minorities got a lot of reasons to be angry and disgusted. I don’t see an open invitation to these tea party rallies. Hell, I would feel uncomfortable attending a klan rally.

I’m not sensitive about people using that word or actions as an excuse to be sensitive. Because, if they were ever discriminated against, they, too, would be tired of being oppressed. I know what’s it like to be called directly “nigger.” I know what it’s like to use “colored only” facilities and they were not clean. Evidently, some people thought that animals didn’t care where they drank or ate as long as they were fed. Animals were what some people thought of us and some people still do. That’s why they want to repeat the past. We were lazy but somehow managed to work the fields. They fed us the line about being dumb and inferior so long that when we did show our intelligence, we became “uppity.” This is one of the reasons if not the main one that our president is being shown such lack of respect. How shameful! You would have thought being indentured servants who gained their freedom would have changed. As Christians, many of us seem to forget the reason we go to church. If we’re not going to change why bother going at all? We’re not listening or practicing love for our neighbor. Since we have problems doing that, we have problems accepting the Lord, our God! I got some news, people! God is control and will always be in control. Let’s not ever forget it!
One more thing. Is the media that obsessed with Tiger Woods apologies? The world is falling apart around us and this is major news, a rich, black man cutting out on his wife. Seems to me there are a lot of guys cutting out on their wives. Why is this major news? That’s why we can’t go forward, we’re into other peoples’ business rather than our own. Wars, domestic terrorism, foreign terrorism, health care reform are just a few of the major problems we as a nation are facing. But, the media would rather be concerned if Tiger and his wife are getting back together. We’re becoming a society of hypocrites. Our politicians vote in public against policies to look good and behind closed doors they want the benefits of those same policies that were voted against. Hypocrites!


Carl said...

I agree it's more than politics. I also agree that the majority of the congressmen and senators should be booted out. They want what is good for them, not the people whom they are suppose to represent. We all still have a long way to go in accepting people for who they are not what race they are. Time is running short in God's plan. Will we be here as a nation much longer? One thing we should know for sure, Israel will remain standing when the time comes.

Solomon2007 said...

I am so glad to hear from you! Thank you! You're right, Carl! Israel will still be standing while time runs out!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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