Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Leave the Judging To God

A newborn baby is excited, curious, and overwhelmed by the sights and sounds in this new world. But the infant can’t understand what they are and communicate about it. Even so he’ll only trust the people that have been taking care of him. We are adults and might still feel that same way. We lose that innocence as we get older. We don’t bounce back so fast after rejections and disappointments. In fact, it’s harder for us to get over it. As children when we hear the word no, it hurts for a little while but we don’t dwell on it. We accept it and keep moving forward. But our support system can’t be here for us forever and we tend to draw on others for encouragement and support. It’s just not the same. Life gets harder as we grow older. If we don’t force ourselves to get into the Word, we will be lost.

The sage, Sirach, paints a realistic picture of life’s ups & downs. That the lives of every man, rich or poor, from birth to death is burdened with fears, anxieties, and trouble. That they occur during the days and nights and at nights keep us awake. That death will overtake everyone as it has before us and will continue to do after us. It is God’s will and we should accept it. It is how we live our lives through His laws will allow us face the inevitable.

It is a battle everyday to do right. The more wisdom we gain, the more about living is revealed. Be careful how you judge others, you can’t objectively judge yourself. Let's keep our focus on God, He'll guide us!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0