What's Your Excuse, Now?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Try To Stay On The Right Path!

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake (Psalm 23:3).

Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face (Psalm 5:8).

Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies (Psalm 27:11)

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps (Proverbs 16:9).

The longer we live the more choices we have to make.  We can get distracted by choosing something new and different as we progress with knowledge, experience and skills.  We get to a certain point that we believe we are responsible for our own destiny and in some ironic way, we are.  Ironic, because we make choices on our own and refuse to take responsibility for the consequences if the action results in failure.  We all reach forks in the road that can change our lives.

I have walked on these same trails for years and just recently realized that the paths I have been taking have been the same.  But I noticed that along the way tree roots are causing the concrete sidewalks to crack and become unleveled.  Some parts are being overcome by the natural growth around them and the areas are starting to look the same. You can get lost if you’re not careful.  In fact, I did get lost when I reversed the direction that I usually walk.  It took me 4 ½ hours to find my way back where I started.  I prayed sincerely to God to help me find my way through these unfamiliar areas.

Is this so different from our own lives?  Everything seems to be going just fine until we get off track or knocked off our feet.  It could be due to our own choices or reasons beyond our control.  Nevertheless, our faith is tested.  We don’t know if our demise is due to the enemy’s distracting techniques. We could be getting closer in our walk with God and the devil knows it or it could be God steering us in the right direction because we were already on the wrong path.

We don’t know why God is leading us a certain way.  We may not understand the reasons behind our challenges.  But God will make up for our ignorance by the Holy Spirit.  We’ll get the victory if we be faithful and trustful in His divine guidance.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:115).

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Cat Is The Hero!!


Build Another Altar, Abraham!

Let's mark this day as another monument to introspection.  Prayer and fasting have given me calmness, clarity and peacefulness after listening to the biblical prophets, Jeremiah and Nehemiah.  Because they realized their dependence and faith in God they were able to handle and overcome the challenges they faced. I won't go into the details but I can say this; you are never too old to learn!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother’s Day Is This Sunday!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the super women who sacrifice everyday for their families and love ones to give them the best they have to offer! You are recognized everyday than just this day!  Everyday is special for you!  Kevin Durant couldn't have said it better when he accepted the NBA MVP Award!

As I Get Older…

I learned that I’m not smart at all.  I’m too quick to answer before I hear the complete message and see only from my perspective.  Not very smart because I’m doing the opposite of being quick to listen and slow to speak.  I learned that I have hurt the people that I love and that loved me.  I thought I was considerate but obviously selfish fulfilling my own needs.  I disappointed those that believed in me.  That’s not being wise just inconsiderate.  I learned that if God has ordered my steps then who am I to think that I can control my destiny?  That’s not smart period!  I learned that when people cross paths during our journey living that they all have something we can share along the way.  Whether it’s good or bad, we should take away the teachable moment.  I learned that God is a lot more patient than I am and He wants me to be patient, too.  God also wants me to share in His divine love even if I am selfish.  I learned that I can’t control my past, present and future.  I can attempt do what is pleasing to God and if I stumble or fall, He will help me recover.  I learned that if God forgives me, I should forgive others, I’ve done more wrong to Him than they did to me.  I also learned that I have a harder time forgiving and recovering from the offenses. I learned that life has a lot of challenges but I have learned that all things are possible to God, Who gives us the means to overcome those challenges.  I learned that you don’t forget the wonderful memories you gathered over the years.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Misdirected Outrage!

Let's keep it simple!  The outrage towards Donald Sterling, the LA Clippers owner, is misdirected!  The same ploy was used against Paula Deen.  The outrage should be directed to our politicians who gerrymandered the voting districts who refuse to support the military, the unemployed, the outcasts, the poor, the middle-class and progress of this country!  The Supreme Court who has allowed revising the Voting Rights Acts since there is no more racism in this country and no limits on campaign contributions.  Money talks, folks!  Where is the outrage with the Wall Street CEOs and traders who get more money in a year than most people will get in a lifetime.  Not much was said about Cliven Bundy who owes the government money and still has time to talk about Negroes!  Yes, there is a problem but why is that we only hear about a selective few?  How many people in power discuss how they feel about certain groups that we will never hear?  Like I said, misdirected outrage!

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...