Friday, February 28, 2025

Why Not, We're On the Road To a Breakdown!

            In the current atmosphere, it’s a miracle that people haven’t completely lost their composure in their daily lives. The wave of anger and frustration many of us feel following the recent election is palpable. I genuinely believe that powerful interests manipulated, bought, and paid for the election. The electoral colleges tilted decidedly towards the far-right candidates and were waiting to be exploited for their advantage. We are watching people showing up who they are in real time.

What’s unfolding under this administration, particularly with the barrage of executive orders, should be no surprise to anyone paying attention. After all, we were given ample warnings about the direction things might take. It seems as if we have grown somewhat immune to the political shenanigans and controversies emanating from the highest levels of government, yet this has hardly dulled our sense of dissatisfaction. We are not amused by the lack of transparency, accountability, or genuine leadership we had hoped for during this critical time. In the current atmosphere, it’s nothing short of a miracle that people haven’t completely lost their composure in their daily lives. The wave of anger and frustration many of us feel following the recent election is palpable. I genuinely believe that the election was manipulated, bought and paid for by powerful interests. The electoral colleges tilted decidedly towards the far-right candidates, were waiting to be exploited to their advantage. 

What’s unfolding under this administration, particularly with the barrage of executive orders, should be no surprise to anyone paying attention. After all, we were given ample warnings about the direction things might take. It seems as if we have grown somewhat immune to the political shenanigans and controversies emanating from the highest levels of government, yet this has hardly dulled our sense of dissatisfaction. We are not amused by the lack of transparency, accountability, or genuine leadership we hoped for during this critical time. 

Today marked the climax of a shameful week characterized by embarrassment, humiliation, and apparent bullying from the President and Vice President toward the leaders of England, France, and Ukraine. It begs the question: Why do entitled individuals often behave so foolishly? How can we possibly blame the Ukrainian President for his reluctance to embrace peace when our President seems to dismiss the notion of harmony within our nation? 

The administration may have framed the cacophony of shouting and the uncivil discourse as a robust defense of the nation’s interests. Still, it undeniably resembled a coordinated assault meant to assert dominance over perceived weakness. This so-called weakness surfaced as an inability to convey coherent thoughts, becoming a grotesque display of vitriol from leaders lacking essential diplomacy and respect.

It was a pitiful sight to witness the exchange. Just the day before, at a cabinet meeting, Elon Musk appeared to dominate proceedings, while only a week prior, the President seemed diminished in the Oval Office, overshadowed by Musk and his toddler son during their press engagement. If this was an attempt to project strength following a series of disheartening events, it came across as a cowardly exhibition, lacking substance and gravitas.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Seek First The Kingdom of God!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV

    Over time, I learned that certain biblical scriptures fail to resonate with me no matter how often I hear or read them. One day, after reencountering these passages, they finally struck a chord. I truly grasped the meaning of "seeking the kingdom of God." I had finally slowed down enough to let the words sink in and understand their significance. I realize now that I wasn't ready to receive them at first. I was distracted by worldly needs and wants. I was overly focused on fulfilling my physical needs instead of my spiritual needs. It was easier to indulge in these needs now than to think about the eternal consequences.

    Recently, a friend and I engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about the diverse ministries we are called to pursue. It became clear that not everyone is destined to deliver fiery sermons, lead demonstrations, or stand before large audiences to share the Word of God. Consider the apostle Paul, who once fervently persecuted the followers of Christ but transformed into one of the faith's most ardent defenders. In his letters, he profoundly states, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” (Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV). Tony is, in my opinion, an excellent college professor who aims to lead young minds to a higher level of thinking. God has placed him in a position of leadership. He has taken his expanded role very seriously. Those of you persevering in toxic work environments, depending on how spirit-minded you are, are ministering through encouraging words and support.

    This highlights that ministry takes many forms. A gentle smile, a compassionate gesture, or a moment of patience can be powerful ministries. By embodying kindness, peace, patience, and love, we can effectively minister to others and play our part in leading them toward the Kingdom of God. Each act of kindness can ripple outwards, inviting others into a deeper understanding of faith and community.

    In these challenging times, it’s undeniable that our morals and beliefs are being put to the ultimate test. The world's weight often makes it seem easier to surrender and retreat into despair, to give in to the temptation of giving up. Yet, deep within each of us lies an unwavering strength, a reservoir of resilience waiting to be tapped. We must reach deep down, summon that inner courage, and forge ahead with determination. Seeking the kingdom of God begins with small steps, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. Yes, we may stumble and sometimes fall, but we were not meant to stay down or live in shame or regret. Get up, put the past behind us, transform our old way of thinking negatively, and move forward toward salvation.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

First Quarter!

Legions of spirits of confusion, division, destruction, deception, liars, and all things opposite of all things good and righteous are running rampant in this world. Look around. We see their disciples carrying out orders. Every day, we wake up to bad news or can’t have a peaceful night of sleep because of it. Countries are at an all-time unrest. Men and women in the church are humiliating each other online and in the sanctuary by calling each other out. People regret their choices, but we can’t turn back the hands of time. Who can we turn to for help? God is not missing. So many people believe that He doesn’t exist. They believe in a demagogue and that God appointed him. They worship what they see.

I was born in the 1950s and have seen people at least tolerate each other because of race relations at that time. I also saw some forward progress in the 60s. In the past three weeks, I have recognized the conditions in the 20s and 30s when my parents were born. I foresee a return to racism, making America ashamed again but this time proud to do so. If it seems that I’m allowing my experience as a template to judge, I am. But it’s wrong. I should use history instead. Throughout all of history in the world, people have fought back against tyrannies and dictatorships. America was built on these causes by immigrants who fled their former countries for a better life. Look at the wars fought in this land and within its borders. We trend in cycles. The underlying truth is that the people stood together on the backs of their ancestors and never gave up.

This election has created significant animosity between different races and even within families. The division has become so pronounced that the phrase “I told you so” has been supplanted by “Mess around and find out.” This isn’t just petty behavior. To those who believe it is, I urge you to learn to respect differing opinions. I refer to this time as the disunification of America. This was a time when we didn’t heed the warnings from others because we placed pride over common sense. When I was growing up, we took threats seriously. If someone disagreed with you outside your home and the argument escalated to the point where the other person said, “Don’t be here when I come back,” it was wise to leave. It’s not a sign of cowardice to walk away; it’s a sign of survival. Too often, people didn’t heed that warning and stayed. Only one remained standing when they returned. Then-candidate Trump warned us, but we didn’t believe him. I’m sure we will now.

What can we do now? We have run out of excuses, and there is no need to look back. When seeking guidance, I turn to God for counsel and advice, trusting He wants the best for me. No need to rush Hm, trust Him. Social media, the news, the internet, and even our friends often prioritize clicks and views fueled by emotional biases. Emotions can cloud our judgment. Pride does not work well with humility. Our fingers are joined to one hand, arm, and body. Our states are connected to one country. We could be an influential collective if we set aside our pride and obstinacy.

While some may disagree or resist compromise, many sensible and rational thinkers have the vision we need. We must align ourselves and prepare for the midterm elections. We must replace those who refuse to compromise and elect new representatives to create change. Until then, let’s join in peaceful boycotts, protests, and demonstrations and make our voices heard by writing to or calling our state representatives. We need to reset, readdress, and regain what we have lost.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wake Up With Prayers Every Morning!

 I want to share an excerpt from one of my morning prayers I read this morning. It's Psalm 9:13-20 New King James Version. It was appropriate seeing what our nation is going through. We need God through challenging times as well as good times. Never forget where you could have been. Give Him praise where you are now.

13 Have mercy on me, O Lord!
Consider my trouble from those who hate me,
You who lift me up from the gates of death,

14 That I may tell of all Your praise
In the gates of the daughter of Zion.
I will rejoice in Your salvation.

15 The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made;
In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.

16 The Lord is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
Meditation. Selah

17 The wicked shall be turned into hell,
And all the nations that forget God.

18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten;
The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.
19 Arise, O Lord,
Do not let man prevail;
Let the nations be judged in Your sight.

20 Put them in fear, O Lord,
That the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah

NKJV Psalm 13-20.

Note: Selah: Pause, Rest, Reflect

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Carpet Baggers Are Back!

    After the Civil War, people from the North moved to the South, akin to snake oil salespeople. They sought ways to take advantage of vulnerable Southerners. They were con men who talked fast, thought quickly, and got rich off the poor man. They were called Carpet Baggers because their bags were made from old carpets. They were cheap then and still are.

    Some individuals have evolved into billionaires who now hold significant power in our country. They spend millions to support their chosen candidates but expect to influence decisions in return. Although not elected, their appointments allow them to make choices that affect millions. What kind of government have we become? We are not a banana republic dependent on limited resources, yet our government sometimes appears unstable. We, the people, have been bought, sold, and enveloped in unlimited contributions and deception.

    Unfortunately, we can't pray to and serve the same God, the Holy Spirit. We may struggle to stay consistent, and we all go through seasons when our prayer lives falter. Let's not be discouraged during those times; instead, keep persevering! Successful people consistently do what others do only occasionally. Don't be an observer in the Coliseum cheering for the downfall of others. Pray for them. Today, the false guise that religion is under attack is misleading. It is the poor and vulnerable as the rich get richer. We don’t have the common sense that it is a war of classes, generations, and white guilt from the older generation who doesn't want to discuss it. They never had, but they were tired of hearing it. Look at the churches losing members. Some of their pastors are bringing up racial equality and understanding too much. The old folks don't need those memories. They are too busy bringing the Jim Crow days back when people knew their places. Few people are willing to sit together and have an honest and respectful conversation about racism. If admitting that it exists, it acknowledges that white supremacy exists, and that's why there's a separation in this country. That would require changes all around. It's easier to maintain the way things are. Radical changes could do more harm than good to some people.

    We can agree to disagree on the notion that the world is not yet prepared to embrace the divine. This perspective is firmly rooted in my belief; since the fateful moment when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, sin has taken a deep hold within the hearts and minds of humanity. I would further assert that when Lucifer and his followers were banished from the celestial realm, Earth transformed into a battleground for evil, forever stained by their rebellion. Satan could not accept God, and man has followed Satan. Even those holding religious positions have followed secular behaviors rather than separate themselves from church and state. It’s more lucrative that way.

    The prophets are no more, and the love of God seems absent. Humanity has become enamored with itself and its accomplishments. There is no one to be a voice in the wilderness to tell us to repent and that the Lord is returning. True Christians must strive to stand apart and resist conforming to this world. We are here only temporarily; our eternal life belongs elsewhere. Regardless of how much wealth and glory we accumulate, only our names will be remembered, and even that will fade into memory. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Tragedy In The Atmosphere!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the nation experienced a tragic air collision that deeply affected travelers. The incident occurred at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington, D.C., where an Army Black Hawk helicopter with three crew members collided with a passenger plane carrying 64 individuals. Many passengers were associated with the U.S. Figure Skating Association, returning to Washington from a skating event in Wichita, Kansas. Among those on board were celebrities, young skaters, and others eager to reach their destination. Sadly, it was announced that there were no survivors. Our hearts reach out to their loved ones with prayers and love for their loss.

Instead of showing any façade of sympathy, the leader of this country blamed the collision of DEI Programs. At times like this, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion were the only things on his mind. No kind or encouraging words, just blaming a silent voice that can’t speak. He had already abolished several federal programs, with the states and corporations following suit. He wants the position but refuses to be responsible for it. this a tragedy on several levels.

I now know he is President for some people, but not all. If he were for everyone, at least one person in his administration would stand up. Instead, they support his lies and distractions. Remember this: Beasts eat their own. Sooner or later, they will turn on each other. I question who is using him. Is he that deceitful?

Monday, January 27, 2025

No Assumptions, No Judgements!

    I am experiencing some troubling feelings, and I know I’m not alone; many others likely feel the same way. I’m not sure where to begin. I stopped watching the news because it was filled with chaos, confusion, and disorder. America has chosen, and now we must all face the consequences. It’s too late to turn back time. A divided nation will fall. America was divided during the Civil War, and there are still generations who prefer to remain separated and believe that the war is not truly over. I can't assume, and I can't judge others. I don't have to condone their behavior, either.

    We know that history repeats itself. This isn't the first time the world or any country has seen disorder. Let's go back before Christ. They thought Herod was horrible. Oh, yeah, let's go back even further. Nebuchadnezzar wasn't kind either, but each time. There's always been a leader who was evil and had no respect for God, man, humanity, or righteousness. Roman Emperor Nero was a scoundrel who lived a partying and extravagant life and was said to have set fire to Rome. He persecuted Christians. We have had dictators in the world who tried to exterminate the Jews. Many hailed the idea of supremacy and superiority. But, in the end, they had to face the cruelty of mortality and the wraith of God. Yet, the common thread for these hateful accounts was separating the rich vs the poor, Minority vs Majority, Supremacy vs Inferiors, and Religion vs. traditional religion. Our world continuously seeks ways to separate itself from the divine order. And we haven’t learned our lesson yet, because we still seek money, power, and authority. Nothing ever good happens when our emotions drive us to use retribution and revenge against others. Prepare for the backlash. One must be fair, honest, and truthful when leading and serving the people. Jesus Christ taught us that, at least, for those who choose to follow Him. 

    Our integrity and moral compasses have changed with the times. People once viewed as pillars of the community are now seen as counterfeits who lack standards for standing up for their beliefs. We all have a price, but how much and far are we willing to sell ourselves for and go? The “selling of souls” has been the trend since last year in anticipation of what’s ahead from our new government. There will be a collection on a day they will not expect. “Therefore, keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42


Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0