It’s getting hotter every summer. But of course, it’s not due to global warming. (Hint of Sarcasm). We’re having extraordinary weather and storms but global warming doesn’t have a thing to do with it. We’re having some flash floods and wind storms with tornado force but again who’s to say they are happening because of global warming. So many people criticized and laughed at Al Gore about global warming and conserving our natural resources that if all of these catastrophes were the effect they wouldn’t accept global warming as the cause. So you know that they wouldn’t believe that God might be trying to tell us something. Of course, when temperatures rise in the summer, so do peoples’ tempers. Our impatience increases and attitudes heighten to the point where it seems we just don’t care. We have to work on this by working on ourselves. In the meantime, the smallest incident can provoke us to a major temper tantrum. Relationships go south, friendships explode, and social discourse takes a back to seat to quick tempers. I will always believe that there are more people willing to work together and encourage each other than those who prefer total separation of the classes and races. It is inevitable that all people will live side by side in harmony and peace because it is written and said by our Lord and God. There will always be those who hate and only see things their way. There is nothing that can be done about it. Ever since the devil entered Eden mankind changed for the worse, but it will never last forever just as we won’t. Everything that has been said philosophically by me is my own opinion. This includes religious, social and racial tolerance and political views. We all must make individual choices on what is right for us even though some of those choices can be wrong. We must still, if we believe, hold on to our faith, and to always include God in our decisions. I believe that whenever we keep Him first in our lives, he will always lead us in the right direction.
Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Absolute Power of Negative News!!!
Andrew Breitbart
By now everyone who has a TV has heard about the mistreatment of Shirley Sherrod, former employee of the US Department of Agriculture. A doctored videotape by an extreme right wing conservative, Andrew Breitbart, was sent to Fox News Network that created a giant wildfire comparable to California’s disasters. It managed to propel an innocent, gentle woman to the forefront of racial injustice and disparity. In his desire to discredit the NAACP, Breitbart almost ruined this woman’s reputation. Thank God she was the right one that he chose. This woman truly had God as her defense! Breitbart failed on so many levels. He wanted to prove that the NAACP was racist instead of the Tea Party. He tried to hide the fact that he is part of that group that want to keep America divided and return to the 50s. He tried to hide the fact that this woman at age 17, father was killed by a white farmer full of pure racial hatred. A woman later in life found in her heart to help all poor people not just black and white. I don’t have to go over the whole story, you already know how it goes. It’s shameful that Breitbart didn’t bother with a true apology to this woman who was used as a scapegoat. It’s embarrassing that our first Black President is reluctant to speak out against race relations because the country is now so sensitive that our elected officials are afraid of not getting reelected. Racism is not going away, people. It’s like the color of your skin, it’s not going anywhere. We can treat our skin, darken it, even lighten it, but we will still be the same person. We need to look in the mirror. It’s disgusting that these same officials on both sides of the aisle are not trying to represent all of the people, just the ones who yell the loudest. Please understand that I know that you don’t have to agree with any President’s policies. I also have enough common sense to know that it doesn’t make you a racist because you don’t agree. But there are some people hiding like cowards behind these smoke screens who are afraid to admit the truth. The truth will prevail. Lies and negative news travel fast. The past 48 hours were filled with nothing but the bad news. The power of mainstream media is absolute until we stop believing everything we see and hear. There are few such as Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow, who are not afraid of Fox or their bosses at MSNBC. The rest of the news stations bow before Fox, they must be afraid of the label liberal. Frankly, I credit the media with a lot of this racial division and political polling every other day. They seem to want to keep crap going. I have never seen so many polls taken about this current president. Yet, not one time has anyone polling agency asked my anything.
Here is an excerpt from Seattle Times News:
*Conservative Andrew Breitbart on Monday posted a 2 ½-minute snippet of Shirley Sherrod's 43-minute NAACP speech on his website,
*Fox News Channel then began its pursuit of Sherrod in prime time Monday night on three successive opinion shows that reached at least 3 million people.
*Leading off, Bill O'Reilly asked on his top-rated program, "Is there racism in the Department of Agriculture?" He discussed the tape, plugged Breitbart's website and demanded that Sherrod resign immediately. By the time O'Reilly's remarks, taped in the afternoon, were broadcast, Sherrod had resigned.
*Next up, Sean Hannity treated the resignation as breaking news. He played a short part of what he called the "shocking" video from Breitbart and later discussed the development with a panel of guests, mentioning the NAACP's recent accusations of racism within the conservative tea-party movement.
*Fox's 7 p.m. show also covered the resignation as breaking news (Sherrod says Fox never tried to contact her before running the video clip repeatedly Monday).
*By Tuesday, Sherrod's forced resignation was the talk of cable-television news.
Side Note: The earlier footage of an undercover sting of an ACORN office, was even more flawed. The undercover operatives, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, heavily edited their footage, implying they dressed as a pimp and prostitute when they went to seek financial advice on their illicit activities from ACORN employees. But they actually never wore such flamboyant attire to the ACORN office. He and Giles are now facing civil suits from ACORN employees.
They lied but more importantly the mainstream media didn’t want to follow that up. Just like now. Is America afraid to confront racism? Post-racial society is not here just because a black president was elected. Whether he spends only one term, it was still more than expected for just being elected. It's not the right against the left, it's the far right against change. I applaud Lindsey Graham for reaching across the aisles despite his party's politics of obstruction. Change can not take place if you want to keep the status quo.
All I can ask is that those of you that really care for a positive, united progression for our nation, pray to our God for strength and maintain hope in our leaders to represent all Americans.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
When Race-Baiting Backfires: Mishandling Shirley Sherrod!
Oops, it looks like somebody pulled the hood over everybody’s eyes! The extremes people are willing to go through just to make someone look bad. Well, if you dig a grave for your enemy, dig two, you’ll need one for yourself. As I said before, there are groups out here in this nation willing to sacrifice all to destroy this country. Harmony and peace is not in their vocabulary. Polarize, divide, and separate from within is worse than the terrorists we are fighting internationally. This stinks from Willie Horton days and the heinous act of Timothy McVeigh. Yep, Rush, Glenn & others are the front men but somebody, somewhere is paying. Bizarre that Glenn actually defended Ms. Sherrod. One thing for sure, Fox won’t apologize! "The politics of fear cannot overwhelm the politics of truth, and she has truth on her side." J. Jackson.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Vonetta McGee, Film and TV Actress, Dies at 69!
Vonetta died on July 9 in Berkeley, Calif. She played in “Blacula”, “Shaft in Africa”, “Eiger Sanction”, “Thomasine & Bushrod”, “Melinda”, “Hammer”, “Brothers”, “Repo Man”, “To Sleep with Anger”, and “Hell Town.” Don’t get her confused with Lonette McKee who played in “Sparkle.” Vonetta was 65. There seems to be an error in her birthdate. She was born on January 6 or the 14th, 1940. That would make her 69. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. Rest In Peace, Ms McGee.
Honorable mention also goes out to James Gammon, who passed yesterday. He was 70. You might remember him from the baseball movie, "Major League." He was the gravel-voiced coach. Rest in Peace, Mr. Gammon.
Resegregation: Now Or Later?
In a June 15, 2010 photo, North Carolina chapter NAACP President Rev. William Barber is escorted from the Wake County Schools board room in handcuffs by Raleigh Police after he was arrested for staging a sit-in with three other activists during a recess of the board's meeting. The Wake County Board of Education's decision to scrap a much-praised busing-for-diversity program has sparked a public backlash not seen for decades in these parts.
It is discouraging to see how some adults can act stupid but question their children’s behaviors. They wonder where the kids picked up that kind of language and actions because they couldn’t have learned it from home. They don’t realize that children watch what adults don’t do, too! I hear some parents say that they don’t tolerate racism or bigotry in their home but will not speak out against injustice. Currently, the argument is whether or not Tea Party activists or racists. I’m sure not all of them are, the majority is mostly white and there are opportunists in every race that use organizations as a front for their own hidden agendas. My question is this. Have people really forgotten the reason why so many black organizations, newspapers and functions were formed? Do they realize that Blacks were not admitted to any mainstream America organizations simply because they were black? Cotillions, parades, magazines, contests, restaurants, and etc., were not opened to blacks, so we developed our own. Segregation was wrong because not all schools had equal access to finest educational material available. The black teachers made do with what they had and I think they did a helluva job with what little was available to them and teaching us in subpar conditions. They didn’t put up with the foolishness we now see at schools. Integration brought on busing. Kids were leaving their neighborhoods to attend school across town even though their old school was right down the street. Wouldn’t it had been cheaper to improve the schools and improve the technology, give the teachers higher salaries and upgrade the books than buy buses and maintain them enough to haul kids across town? Now 50 years later, resegregation is gaining ground and ground zero is in Raleigh, NC. Black and White Americans couldn’t predict that when integration cracked segregated walls, there were bound to be some fallout. It could expand opportunities for jobs and improve black children’s access to quality education. Common sense would dictate sending your child to the closest school, it’s practical safer and cheaper. The problem is how much better is your school in your area? Low income neighborhoods may not get the funding and support they need to better equip their children for school and technical vocations. Let’s stay away from the stereotypical labeling expected from low socioeconomic upbringing because not everyone is the same. So what’s normally the color of the majority in poor neighborhoods and the majority in affluent neighborhoods? We all know if you live in an affluent area, you’re going to ensure you have all your needs met without going to far to find them. What we as a people need to know that if people don’t want to be around you, why be around them? You don’t have to spend your money to prove to people that you got it. It hurts more when you don’t do business with them and spend it in their stores. What concerns me more are the code words for state’s rights and sovereign statehood. I lived in the 60s and these ultra-right conservative politicians want to take us back to it. Don’t vote on party lines, vote for what’s right for all Americans.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thoughts from Rev. Ben Colley
Rev brought me some insight on his sermons. You’d need to be there to get the full effect! The subject was on people are looking for a word. I’ll try to give you a picture of what he’s saying. Wall Street is waiting on the government, the government is waiting on each other, BP is waiting for a solution, the people in La are waiting for an answer and Main Street is waiting for jobs and hope. People are like cars, running out of gas and just about ready to stop. So he presented 4 principles to think about while Jesus was in the boat during the storm. The first, Jesus was in the boat with the apostles sleeping while a terrible storm raged about them. It frightened the apostles so bad that they woke up the Son of God. All He said was, “Peace be still.” Immediately the storm ended. The premise is recognizing the external conditions. The apostles didn’t have control over the storm but God does. The second, Jesus asked them, “Where is thou faith?” He addressed their internal conditions. Before I go further, you have to ask yourself, if you had Jesus with you would you worry about anything? The third, Jesus told Peter, “I have overcome the world.” He was speaking to Peter about the future. He had taken the power out of failures. The fourth, Jesus said, “Believe in me.” Yes, you can see the utility bills, the doctors’ bills, credit cards, and all things physical, but you can’t see Jesus. Where do we go from here? I only touched on Rev’s sermon. I can’t do him justice except to recommend that you hear him. He keeps The Word simple to understand!
Monday, July 12, 2010
You Should Have Stood Up Sooner, Bob!
Former South Carolina Congressman Bob Inglis says too many Republican leaders are going along with what he calls a poisonous "demagoguery" that threatens the party's long-term credibility.
Inglis was defeated in the Republican primary last month by Spartanburg prosecutor Trey Gowdy. Inglis says that approach is dividing the country into partisan camps, making it difficult for people to work together and find solutions to problems.
I don’t see a problem with anyone’s political affiliation or loyalties, it’s their choice. The problem is allowing that loyalty to overwhelm the heart for the few and forsake the many. Both of our nation’s parties are polarizing the nation. Hate speech and untruths are flooding the airwaves and only the truth-seekers will not be convinced or persuaded unless they did deeper into the “hearsay.” Some will say Inglis is a bitter, sore loser, others will say he should have said it while in office. Both could be right, but at least he did say it. It does matter to stand up for your constituency as their representative. You might sacrifice the “good life” and connections in the election but right is right. You’re not just looking out for your special interest groups who can pay you to speak up for them, you’re looking out for the people who don’t have anyone speak out for them. In the meantime, we can watch our nation literally split in two, while those that wanted this will sit back and continue to sow the seeds of strife and discontent.
Inglis was defeated in the Republican primary last month by Spartanburg prosecutor Trey Gowdy. Inglis says that approach is dividing the country into partisan camps, making it difficult for people to work together and find solutions to problems.
I don’t see a problem with anyone’s political affiliation or loyalties, it’s their choice. The problem is allowing that loyalty to overwhelm the heart for the few and forsake the many. Both of our nation’s parties are polarizing the nation. Hate speech and untruths are flooding the airwaves and only the truth-seekers will not be convinced or persuaded unless they did deeper into the “hearsay.” Some will say Inglis is a bitter, sore loser, others will say he should have said it while in office. Both could be right, but at least he did say it. It does matter to stand up for your constituency as their representative. You might sacrifice the “good life” and connections in the election but right is right. You’re not just looking out for your special interest groups who can pay you to speak up for them, you’re looking out for the people who don’t have anyone speak out for them. In the meantime, we can watch our nation literally split in two, while those that wanted this will sit back and continue to sow the seeds of strife and discontent.
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