Sunday, July 25, 2010

TEMPERatureS Are Rising!!!

It’s getting hotter every summer. But of course, it’s not due to global warming. (Hint of Sarcasm). We’re having extraordinary weather and storms but global warming doesn’t have a thing to do with it. We’re having some flash floods and wind storms with tornado force but again who’s to say they are happening because of global warming. So many people criticized and laughed at Al Gore about global warming and conserving our natural resources that if all of these catastrophes were the effect they wouldn’t accept global warming as the cause. So you know that they wouldn’t believe that God might be trying to tell us something. Of course, when temperatures rise in the summer, so do peoples’ tempers. Our impatience increases and attitudes heighten to the point where it seems we just don’t care. We have to work on this by working on ourselves. In the meantime, the smallest incident can provoke us to a major temper tantrum. Relationships go south, friendships explode, and social discourse takes a back to seat to quick tempers. I will always believe that there are more people willing to work together and encourage each other than those who prefer total separation of the classes and races. It is inevitable that all people will live side by side in harmony and peace because it is written and said by our Lord and God. There will always be those who hate and only see things their way. There is nothing that can be done about it. Ever since the devil entered Eden mankind changed for the worse, but it will never last forever just as we won’t. Everything that has been said philosophically by me is my own opinion. This includes religious, social and racial tolerance and political views. We all must make individual choices on what is right for us even though some of those choices can be wrong. We must still, if we believe, hold on to our faith, and to always include God in our decisions. I believe that whenever we keep Him first in our lives, he will always lead us in the right direction.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0