Sunday, December 30, 2018

Mass and Dorothy!

At Mass Saturday evening, the lone altar server, tried to lift the crucifix out of the holder to lead the procession. She was small and short and could only reach from the bottom, but due to the top weight, she lost control and the crucifix top tilted and hit the floor with a loud sound. As it goes, the women in the church gasped while her parents looked on ready to assist. The priest and the deacon were at the rear of the church and unable to render immediate aid at the time. As for the congregation, it was mainly women sitting near that area and not certain whether they should intervene. The little trooper was persistent and managed to get control and marched right to the rear of the church where the priest and deacon was. There she began to cry, feeling humiliated, hurt, and who knows what. They did their best to console her before Mass started. She regained confidence in herself and led the procession. Her parents still watched her every move like eagles. At the end of Mass, the priest announced that he had made mistakes and felt humiliated about the things he had done in the past and how much God loves us so much, that HE immediately forgets the wrongs we make. The priest never mentioned the altar server’s earlier misfortune. I was impressed and wanted to stand up and clap, but if you know anything about Catholics, we are quite reserved. But the priest’s effort was appreciated.

I mentioned all of this to say that we all make mistakes, but God’s love redeems us. It is important to address what we feel and show respect and love to the people who are in front of us. I mentioned earlier that I would touch on a dear friend of mine in my last blog entry. If you noticed, I always mention her in my prayers at the end of the entry.

Dorothy and I go back since the late 80’s and early 90's where we worked together. She always reminded me of a sergeant in the military. She was the head accountant and made sure all department managers had their stuff together. You would know immediately if you didn’t. She did not play when it came to the numbers. No one was spared. Dorothy had a heart of gold underneath that exterior. Those of us who got to know her realized it later. I still remember her arthroscopic knee surgery. Unbeknownst to anyone, it was a prelude to many more.

After she had gotten into an accident in the new store, her life changed. I will not go into the details but since then up until now, my friend has had over 60+ surgeries. She has undergone a great deal of pain and hardships, but she still carries on like a faithful soldier. She has lost loved ones, friends and sacrificed so much for her family and herself. There were times that she disobeyed doctors’ orders from staying on bed rest to cook and provide for her family.  There are so many things that we take for granted, and yet, not anytime have I ever heard her denounce God, his love or her situations. Dorothy has assisted with the HIV victims, the broken hearted, the lost and the homeless. She probably has done much more but she does not volunteer any information to me. I’m just nosy. Throughout the trials and tribulations she endured, she never gave up. I pray for her daily. I don’t talk to her every day, because she needs her rest. But, when I do speak with her, I don’t stay on the phone long. I’m not a talker, but I just wanted her to know that I care and love her.

How many of us truly count our blessings? How many of us are grateful for what we have even if it seems that it’s not enough? How many of us thank God and include HIM in on everything that we do? How many of us even remember HIM when everything seems to be going our way? A new year is coming is here. We get another fresh start like we do every day. What will we do differently?

Dorothy & Harold, you are always in my prayers.

Friday, December 14, 2018

A Weekend of Grace and Mercy

It was a very interesting and reflective past weekend for me. I went to a presentation to support a co-worker and attended a home going celebration for a good friend. I gained so much more than what I had expected to know.

I can’t express what it means when you take the time to know a person, then you will know what it’s like to walk in their shoes and truly understand them. I learned that my co-worker ran away from home partially because of an alcoholic mother and an abusive father. I learned that while running away she ran into a life of drugs and prostitution. I learned that during that time of living on the streets, she became pregnant, had her child taken away, sold drugs, became a drug addict, arrested, jailed and was homeless.

I learned that she overcame all odds, attended a homeless shelter, got clean, been clean for years, married, got a job, got married, returned as a staff member at the shelter, got her driver’s license, a car, an apartment and will be a future homeowner in the next few weeks. She expresses daily how blessed she is and how grateful she is to God Who by His Grace and Mercy had brought her so far. What a wonderful testimony! How many others have given up and lost faith? How many of us still judge the outward appearance and make decisions based on what we think? We all are works in progress, God isn’t finished with us, yet.

My next enlightening moment was at my friend’s funeral. I was supposed to be one of the pall bearers. I guess I was looking forward to being a part of his home going as he made me a part of his family’s life. If I say that he was a great, government special agent and that half of his staff, co-workers, directors and supervisors were present and spoke on his behalf or internationally known in certain circles. It sounds like bragging, but it’s not. I didn’t even know that he was recruited by Bear Bryant for the Alabama “Roll Tide” Football Program. I recently learned that he played tournament pool across the country. That was after he swept me three games in a row. I just wanted to say that he never boasted or press the issue what he was or what he did. He was just a humble guy, who saw people for what they were and appreciated them as he appreciated life. 

My friend was a family man who put God first and family second. He should have been gone after his accident made him disabled since his you so many years, but the changes in his life did not affect his attitude. It drove his zest for life. He still bought fast cars and drove them. He still hauled a custom made BBQ pit behind his truck. Since I’ve been knowing him, I have never heard him make one complaint, even when he was sick and in the hospital. He never let anything get in his way. That’s a sign of a believer, a sign a sign of gratefulness.

Grace and mercy have been my reflection this weekend. What we think that are so important, stay up all night from worries and anxieties are nothing compared to what these two individuals encountered and overcame in their lives. I have others to speak in awe about and that's coming in the future. Heads up, Dorothy, you're next. People will know about the sacrifices you have made for so many and received so little in return. But that's the way humble roll. They don't need the recognition, fulfillment from helping others is their reward.

Dorothy & Harold, you are always in my prayers.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Rest in Peace, Bill!

Mr. William Bernard Gary, Jr.
(September 24, 1961–December 2, 2018)

Funeral services for Mr. William Bernard Gary, Jr. will be held Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at the Brookland Baptist Church, Northeast, 1203 Summit Parkway. Viewing will be held Friday beginning at 2:00 p.m. at the Leevy’s Funeral Home, Taylor Street Chapel. Surviving are his wife, Tanya Handy Gary; daughter, Whitley Handy Gary; son, Jordan Vernon Gary; brother, Brian Gary; one grandson; other loving relatives and friends.

You will be missed, my friend. God proved the doctors wrong so long ago!

Dorothy and Harold, you are always in my prayers.

Monday, October 8, 2018

RIP, Mr. Willie Breland!

Blessings to you and your family! You will be missed. Our prayers are with you.

Dorothy & Harold, you are always in my prayers.

Friday, September 28, 2018


We don’t know for sure who’s right or wrong.. Sometimes we draw the wrong conclusions from our personal perceptions. Yet, we all can agree that whatever it is, the nation is divided and pulling us further apart.  What is the solution to bring us back together? Who is responsible? Is this a deliberate intent from inside/outside forces to see this nation implode? Our moral standards have already blown apart.

Mz C, Dorothy, Harold, TS Florence victims and all the sick and lost, you are in my prayers.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Make America Segregated Again!

I called up a friend of mine today after she texted me about not keeping up with my blog. My explanation was too many things to discuss and I didn’t know where to start. Her answer was simple, “Get on the job and find something!” She also said I sound depressed. Well, I’m disgusted. The party that prided themselves as the party of Lincoln and Reagan is gone. What I see is a majority who is so afraid of losing control and their position in this country and in the world that they will accept any methods, even if following the devil, to maintain it. If what I see is a repeat of the turmoil from the biblical perspective, I see a country heading towards destruction and chaos while the invisible enemy watches from the sidelines. We have an administration that is promoting enemies of the United States to high esteem and tricking us that the “fake” news is exploiting the common man while lying so much and confidently that people believes the lies as truths. How can biblical messages be used to separate families and support hatred? Here’s a quote that DOJ can use: Matt 22:36-40 (NIV) Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Apparently, no one wants to use this as a template for doing the right thing.

Christians aren’t standing up and the party is turning blind ears and eyes away from this mess. Even some of the women are taking part of making white supremacy seem more acceptable and less like the systemic racist mindset that some people have a hard time of letting go.  Some of these folks are comfortable making negative statements about other cultures and races that are offensive and mean. People don't seem to care. They must have "If it's not me or mine, why should I care" mentality.

The devil will not win and he knows it. Ephesians 6:10-13 (NIV) “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Indeed, the battle is not ours!

Our prayers are with you Mommas Bennett and Irby, Mz C, Dorothy, Harold and the families.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rest Bobby, My Friend, My Brother, Rest in Peace!

We have come a long way from childhood, sitting under the old oak, wishing to get older and having our own home. No one told us as children, that being an adult was being responsible and accountable for our actions. We just wanted to be grown. Well, children, grandchildren and even a grandchild later, you left to return your heavenly home before us. We are so blessed to have known each other for 60 plus years and have seen each other this past year. We were fellow Sagittarians, born one year apart. Harold was the one born in May. Interesting enough, his birthday is coming up on the 20th. We were the original three. We’ll miss you, Bobby! Love you! We will see each other on the other side.

Momma Bennett, Dorothy, Mz C, Harold, Lolita, Nae, Mike, Bill & Tonya, you all are in my prayers.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Love you, Sis!

Judith Eloise Thomason Jones

(December 17, 1941 – April 25, 2018)

Surviving are her daughters, Laura Hall Corley and Renee Hall (Thernell) Boles; her mother, 
Annie Power Bennett; a brother, Gregory (Aletta) Reese Bennett; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; 
other loving relatives.

Monday, March 19, 2018

I Am So Tired!

Those were the words I heard Sunday 3/18/18 from my best friend, Harold. We’ve been friends for over 55 years ever since childhood. He has been fighting brain cancer for 4 long years dealing with several surgeries, radiation and chemo. His left eye and left nostril were taken and even a part of his skull. We all thought that the last surgery on his skull would give him some pain relief. Harold normally talks until I tell him I’m getting off the phone. Well, not this time, he was in so much pain that he felt ready to leave this world.  It even pained him to talk. I didn't have much to say, one reason was that I had to strain to hear him. He had been this way all week and his body was tired.

"I am so tired" were the words my mother told me before she passed. How naive of me to think that I would ask her to lay down and get some rest. She quickened me lovingly that she meant something much deeper. Something that I had always denied to myself, that my mother would live forever. Not long after that, she passed on Monday, the day after Easter, March 24, 2008. Easter was one of her favorite holidays.  In fact, mom's 10th year anniversary will be March 24, 2018, this year.

I miss you, mom! Thank you for the wonderful years!

Dorothy and Harold, you are forever in my prayers!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Silence Will Not Make You Invisible!

Has anyone noticed that in this new political climate that if a subject isn't discussed, it must not exist? Key members in the current administration have resigned due to domestic violence where the ex-wives were physically abused, but their lives“are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation.” Allegations? Allegations supported by court documents are no longer allegations. My fault, this comes from the person who alleged that President Obama is Kenyan. And having the gaul to expectorate due process for these abusers is absolutely pitiful. He ( The Name I Can No Longer Mention) actually encouraged division is responsible for doing the work of the Russians because his collusion with them does not exist. And if he doesn't talk about it, it didn't happen. Afterall, being silent is acceptance. Don't speak out against the wrongs happening towards others, it might happen to you. If no one else speaks out for the silent voices, don't expect anyone to speak out for you.

Respect to Rand Paul for questioning the passing of the high federal budget deal that Republicans did not want to pass under President Obama.  Hypocrisy at its finest! Or, something else? Perception or discernment?

Always keeping Dorothy & Harold in my prayers.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Shame, shame, shame!

I have been more than slack in posting. I held my emotions in check because the recent political atmosphere and attitudes towards each other disrespectful and disappointing. We have a new President that seems to promote separatism and inequality. He can look a person directly in the eye and fabricate any story he wishes. What makes this worse is he expects you to believe the lie because his minions already do! No one has questioned his not showing his tax returns. Why? Didn't this same person bug out on President Obama to show his? He is supported by the party that Lincoln made and Ronald Reagan grew, yet, the party that represents the family is driving the American "family" apart. Now do you understand why I have stopped blogging, D? I'm disgusted how people can't see the distraction this man is doing to keep us away from from a possible Russian collusion. Obviously, color does matter. He has the nerve to call the Democrats "Obstructionists." Does anyone remember that the Republicans met to be that way towards President Obama? What a bunch of hypocrites!  Put the party before the country!  Echoes of past mottoes from fallen legacies! Now we seem to have senators editing signed documents. Interesting enough, the news media may not be fake but seems to fall short on follow up. Or is the Russian bots a part of this future news media? Maybe the moguls in the media are in beholding to someone like the President is and I am not talking about citizens of this country.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0