Friday, February 2, 2018

Shame, shame, shame!

I have been more than slack in posting. I held my emotions in check because the recent political atmosphere and attitudes towards each other disrespectful and disappointing. We have a new President that seems to promote separatism and inequality. He can look a person directly in the eye and fabricate any story he wishes. What makes this worse is he expects you to believe the lie because his minions already do! No one has questioned his not showing his tax returns. Why? Didn't this same person bug out on President Obama to show his? He is supported by the party that Lincoln made and Ronald Reagan grew, yet, the party that represents the family is driving the American "family" apart. Now do you understand why I have stopped blogging, D? I'm disgusted how people can't see the distraction this man is doing to keep us away from from a possible Russian collusion. Obviously, color does matter. He has the nerve to call the Democrats "Obstructionists." Does anyone remember that the Republicans met to be that way towards President Obama? What a bunch of hypocrites!  Put the party before the country!  Echoes of past mottoes from fallen legacies! Now we seem to have senators editing signed documents. Interesting enough, the news media may not be fake but seems to fall short on follow up. Or is the Russian bots a part of this future news media? Maybe the moguls in the media are in beholding to someone like the President is and I am not talking about citizens of this country.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0