Thursday, January 10, 2013

God Is Preparing Something Better For You!!!

I borrowed the below email for its message.  I don't know who wrote it but I feel that it is something that we all can use when going through personal trials.  Give glory to God!  He knows what we need even when we are not sure of what we want!

God Is Doing A Work In You......................There are two things you can count on as you walk with God: tribulation that works for you, and grace that enables you to stand while you're going through it. Have you been praying for patience? Get ready for tribulation; there no other way to get it! Patience only grows in the soil of adversity. The truth is, some of the people you can't stand right now are the very ones who will mature you spiritually and get you to your destiny. God said: "Moab is my washbasin" (Ps 60:8,NIV). Moab was a troublesome next-door neighbor who drove Israel crazy. But such people can also drive us closer to God! So, who's your washbasin? Who brings out the worst in you? Who drives you to your knees? Who stretches your faith? Who develops your character? The problem is, we pray for certain things but God has a process; only as we get to know Him better do we begin to recognize it. Here's how it works: you ask God for strength and He allows you to go through struggles that develop you. You ask him for wisdom and you get to deal with messy situations that have no easy solutions. You ask Him for success and He give you ability to work and wisdom to produce. You ask Him for favor and you get responsibility. (Then you want to run from it.) There's a work going on in you right now! You may not be fully aware of it, but without it you'll never be qualified to handle what God has in mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent points made thanks for sharing :)

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0