Monday, January 14, 2013

When Will The Intolerance End?

A t-shirt depicting President Obama as a “witch doctor” stealing medicine via his Affordable Care Act, found its way to a South Carolina Tea Party convention.

Is another civil war what these people want?  They don’t want big government but they will take big government’s money and help.  We can be selfish and greedy when it comes to getting something for ourselves.  We forget how we got because someone and/or something helped us to get it.  Why haven’t we heard from the tea party people during the Bush era?  President Obama just doesn’t fit the script.  As Colin Powell admitted that there is a dark vein of intolerance” in the Republican Party.  There are still some members of the GOP that still looks down on minorities.  They can not and will not accept change.  They have a narrow outlook like others in our nation that they can not accept anyone who does not look like them.  And some of these are people in powerful positions that will do anything to keep progress from moving forward.  They will even go to great lengths to destroy this great country we live in.  Fortunately, these groups of people are the minority and the ones that truly care for the future on this country are on the side of right.

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