Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Town Hall Meeting
Well, we had another unpleasant demonstration of black folk’s intellect brought to us by the media free of charge.  It’s amazing to me, that the media only bring this mess to the nation’s attention only when either the black man is doing some dumbass stuff or dueling another black man whom the media doesn’t particularly care for.  A recent display of this biasness was the discussion between Velma Hart and the President at a town hall meeting in the nation’s capitol.  Before I go any further, mainstream media will not cover black think tank meetings such as the State of Black America, and others because that’s just not newsworthy.  I digress, Velma Hart self-described is a mother, veteran, wife of a veteran, and a Chief Financial Officer, who is a part of the middle-class that the President was talking about.  Her two daughters attend private school to which her and the President have something in common, two daughters.  Mrs. Hart is very articulate, educated and showed her expertise in public speaking.  This should be expected from a CFO in DC, anyway, who works for American Veterans (AmVets).  I attached a link to the discussion for your review.   Please note that Mrs. Hart mentioned that she and her husband had wondered if they were going to eat “beans and franks.”  Her “exhaustion” defending the President and with the current state of the economy was questionable.  Personally, I don’t see how this modern day “Huxtable” family could suffer as bad as the everyday family who sends their children to public schools and wonder if they’ll even eat that day.  Beans and franks could be the main staple in some homes.  Mrs. Hart is an upper-middle class family who lives in the DC area.  I don’t know where they live but I’m sure it takes money to live there.  These selfish thinking people are masters of their universe and have no concern for others that will disrupt or attempt to take any of their comforts away.  I was ready to hear her say she wanted her America back.  We all have a natural reaction to respond to atmospheric conditions.  For the past several years, those of us that were able responded to greed.  Money was flowing from inflated interest rates and housing, to name a few.  If you were in a position to get some, you did.  After the election of a new President, many of us responded to fear, the current state of the nation’s atmospheric conditions.  Yes, we clothe ourselves accordingly depending on the weather.  In this case, misinformation has caused so many people to clothe themselves in fear.  Couple this with instant gratification and forgetfulness we’ll find ourselves with bigger problems.  Understand that I’m proud of this woman but at the same time perturbed that she sees and expects an overnight recovery.  As a numbers cruncher, she knows what spending can do and what it will take to get out of the hole.  Yet, she says what she has to say and is well aware of the obstructions and distractions that this President faces everyday.  As a Black Woman, she apparently has forgotten what poor black families still have to deal with.  Poverty still affects minorities more than any other races in America.  I believe that if she isn’t a plant for the far right, she gave them fodder to disapprove and distract that everything this President is trying to achieve is failing.  Mr. President this country can’t stand you.  I questioned how would the feelings be if we had elected someone else?  Would the people be as vocal, as angry, as mean-spirited and frustrated?  Beans and franks?  What an insensitive thing to say.  You got yours, right?  Let us get ours.  Please click on the links.  You’ll see and hear what I’m talking about.  Mrs. Hart is now making guest appearances on the various networks stating her position.  I can imagine how the media is trying to exploit her 15 minutes.  It seemed that either she is backtracking or the media is trying her to get negative.  Listen how the interviewers ignore her regarding the NY Post “Betrayed” article.  They enjoy black on black crime, don’t they?  They can’t stand unity.  This woman flipped their script.  Maybe the media will feel betrayed.  This won’t be on the air long.  The media feels betrayed.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0