Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Did I Get To This Point!!!

This is a subject I know nothing about but I feel a need to discuss it.  My intention for this site was to be encouraging to others but mainly for me to express my thoughts as a kind of therapy.  Sometimes the right word at the right time can help the right person.  You never know who might need The Word when they’re feeling lost and depressed.  I don’t know the reason why someone would take their own life.  I don’t know what could cause them to feel that are a no longer a part of the grand scheme of things.  But somehow they feel that they at this darkest moment have nothing to contribute to their life and the lives of the people who will be affected.  I may never know them but in their indirect way, they will have an effect on me.  That indirect effect is drawing me to write this entry. I feel that this is one of the most serious entries I’ve thought of.  You see, I believe that God is in all of us.  He has given us choices to do good or evil.  Since God is love, He can only support the good in man.  He cannot associate Himself with evil but in the midst of that severe darkness He is still there.  In that darkness, we turned our backs on Him and chose the path of despair and depression.  There are other reasons besides choices that cause some people to seek peace. There could be some major medical reasons, chemical imbalances, financial, finding love in the wrong places or getting played for love.  Whatever has caused this lack of will to live was enough to tip the scales to death.  It’s never too late!  Don’t let things get you down to this level.  Stop, think about what you’re about to do.  In fact, think long and while you’re thinking call somebody.  Call 911!  Don’t waste your gift.  You have more to contribute than you think.  If I only reach one person, then this is worth it.  Like I said, I don’t know much about this subject as with a lot of others but I have attached a few websites that may be helpful.  I realize that this is my feeble attempt to approach the subject of suicide but this is a problem that should be addressed.  I don’t know if it’s getting any attention until it hits close but it does have mine. I hope none of us encounter this struggle but do remember the websites for reference.

Below are a few links for help.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bring Them Home, Mr. President!!

MARJA, AFGHANISTAN - SEPTEMBER 24: U.S. Army flight medic SGT Tyrone Jordan of Charlotte, NC attached to Dustoff Task Force Shadow of the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade carries Marine LCpl. David Hawkins of Parker, CO to a MEDEVAC helicopter after he was wounded by a blast from an improvised explosive device (IED) September 24, 2010 near Marja, Afghanistan. Task Force Shadow is responsible for evacuating wounded Afghani and Coalition forces as well as local nationals throughout southern Afghanistan.

The picture says it all!  This is real sacrificing!  I thought we learned from the Soviets.  Evidently it must be another reason why we’re in Afghanistan.  We don’t need that many troops to find Osama Bin Laden.  I wonder if it’s the $1 trillion dollars worth of untapped resources that could pay for the wars we’re fighting and relieve a lot of our national debt.  The Soviets were there almost ten-years supporting the Marxist-Leninist government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan against the Mujahedeen starting on December 27, 1979.  By the way, Jimmy Carter was President (1977-1981).  In February 1979, the Islamic Revolution ousted the US-backed Shah from Afghanistan's neighbor Iran and the United States ambassador to Afghanistan was kidnapped and killed by Islamic militants, despite attempts by the Afghan security forces and Soviet advisers to free him.  In the mid-1980s, the Afghan resistance movement, assisted by the United States, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China and others, contributed to Moscow's high military costs and strained international relations.  A similar movement occurred in other Muslim countries, bringing contingents of so-called Afghan Arabs, foreign fighters who wished to wage jihad against the atheist communists. A young Saudi named Osama bin Laden, whose Arab group eventually evolved into al-Qaeda.  Virtually all of its war was waged locally by regional warlords. As warfare became more sophisticated, outside support and regional coordination grew. Even so, the basic units of mujahedeen organization and action continued to reflect the highly segmented nature of Afghan society.  The Afghans were supported by a number of other countries, with the US and Saudi Arabia offering the greatest financial support. However, the Afghans were also aided by the United Kingdom, Egypt, China, Iran, and Pakistan. Ground support, for political reasons, was limited to regional countries.  After the war ended in February 1989, the Soviet Union published figures of dead Soviet soldiers: the total was 13,836 men, an average of 1,512 men a year. According to updated figures, the Soviet army lost 14,427, the KGB lost 576, with 28 people dead and missing.   We need to bring our troops home!  The civil war that is going on over there will not stop.  It’s costing too much money and lives.  Mr. President we don’t need heroes overseas, we need them here at home in America!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Town Hall Meeting
Well, we had another unpleasant demonstration of black folk’s intellect brought to us by the media free of charge.  It’s amazing to me, that the media only bring this mess to the nation’s attention only when either the black man is doing some dumbass stuff or dueling another black man whom the media doesn’t particularly care for.  A recent display of this biasness was the discussion between Velma Hart and the President at a town hall meeting in the nation’s capitol.  Before I go any further, mainstream media will not cover black think tank meetings such as the State of Black America, and others because that’s just not newsworthy.  I digress, Velma Hart self-described is a mother, veteran, wife of a veteran, and a Chief Financial Officer, who is a part of the middle-class that the President was talking about.  Her two daughters attend private school to which her and the President have something in common, two daughters.  Mrs. Hart is very articulate, educated and showed her expertise in public speaking.  This should be expected from a CFO in DC, anyway, who works for American Veterans (AmVets).  I attached a link to the discussion for your review.   Please note that Mrs. Hart mentioned that she and her husband had wondered if they were going to eat “beans and franks.”  Her “exhaustion” defending the President and with the current state of the economy was questionable.  Personally, I don’t see how this modern day “Huxtable” family could suffer as bad as the everyday family who sends their children to public schools and wonder if they’ll even eat that day.  Beans and franks could be the main staple in some homes.  Mrs. Hart is an upper-middle class family who lives in the DC area.  I don’t know where they live but I’m sure it takes money to live there.  These selfish thinking people are masters of their universe and have no concern for others that will disrupt or attempt to take any of their comforts away.  I was ready to hear her say she wanted her America back.  We all have a natural reaction to respond to atmospheric conditions.  For the past several years, those of us that were able responded to greed.  Money was flowing from inflated interest rates and housing, to name a few.  If you were in a position to get some, you did.  After the election of a new President, many of us responded to fear, the current state of the nation’s atmospheric conditions.  Yes, we clothe ourselves accordingly depending on the weather.  In this case, misinformation has caused so many people to clothe themselves in fear.  Couple this with instant gratification and forgetfulness we’ll find ourselves with bigger problems.  Understand that I’m proud of this woman but at the same time perturbed that she sees and expects an overnight recovery.  As a numbers cruncher, she knows what spending can do and what it will take to get out of the hole.  Yet, she says what she has to say and is well aware of the obstructions and distractions that this President faces everyday.  As a Black Woman, she apparently has forgotten what poor black families still have to deal with.  Poverty still affects minorities more than any other races in America.  I believe that if she isn’t a plant for the far right, she gave them fodder to disapprove and distract that everything this President is trying to achieve is failing.  Mr. President this country can’t stand you.  I questioned how would the feelings be if we had elected someone else?  Would the people be as vocal, as angry, as mean-spirited and frustrated?  Beans and franks?  What an insensitive thing to say.  You got yours, right?  Let us get ours.  Please click on the links.  You’ll see and hear what I’m talking about.  Mrs. Hart is now making guest appearances on the various networks stating her position.  I can imagine how the media is trying to exploit her 15 minutes.  It seemed that either she is backtracking or the media is trying her to get negative.  Listen how the interviewers ignore her regarding the NY Post “Betrayed” article.  They enjoy black on black crime, don’t they?  They can’t stand unity.  This woman flipped their script.  Maybe the media will feel betrayed.  This won’t be on the air long.  The media feels betrayed.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Geat Looking Group!

The Wedding Party!

The Matriarchs!

3/5th Of Five Generations!  What a Blessing!
What a cutie pie!
'J', bride's first cousin!

Decorations Crew!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Congratulations, Kezia & Troy!!

My Grand Godniece is getting married today!  I'm not sure if that is the right name to call her, but she is granddaughter of my God-Sister!  Judy has been my GodSister & Mama Corine has been my Godmother since my Confirmation when I was a kid.  I wish them well.  I will report later after the wedding!

Rest In Peace, Sharon Allen!!!

Sam our prayers are with you and your family in this time of sorrow!  Sharon passed away Tuesday and was buried Friday, September 17th.  God bless you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Queen & Her Staff Cutting A Rug!!!
Queen Mother & Her Princesses!!!
The Queen's Royal Court

Happy Birthday & Thank You!!!

Ladies Night Out!!!  Good Looking "Bunch"!!!
A Beautiful Bouquet of Women!
I usually put my foot in my mouth which usually gets me into some hot water. Please understand that it’s not intentional, I’m direct and expect the same from others. So what I am about say is not meant to offend anyone. Happy birthday, Virgos! No, you are not any more special than the other months and signs. (Don’t put your faith in horoscopes.) It’s just that most of my family, friends, and associates were born from August 22 – September 23. I mean it. I just about have someone that I know for just about each of those days. What’s so interesting about this is that these are close friends. Some are past friends, old friends, new friends and even potential friends. The others are family members, in-laws, nieces, and nephews. Each of these people has made an impact in my life. Real friends are hard to find and harder to lose.  They are there when you need them even if you are angry with each other.  They will celebrate your ups and share your downs. Life is a learning experience but a friend recently told me that, “I have to let go of the past, forgive, and move forward.” Like I said, some of these people are in the past. Some of them won’t even look at this website and just never encouraged me on this. It is what it is. Simply said, I had their back but they didn’t have mine. I’m not the ass-kissing type of person to get along. Either we trust each other or don’t. It might hurt for a while but I will get over it. God has brought me too far to leave me and He has always placed an angel along the way in my life’s journey, though temporary, to guide me. I have learned that it is God’s timing, not mine, or anyone else’s that can speed up or slow down our destinies. I may not be the man others wanted me to be but as long as I trust in the Lord, I will be the man HE intended for me to be. Although you might have a special place in my life, know that God will always be first. If anyone can accept that and include HIM, we won’t have a problem that we can’t overcome. Life is short but we think it will last forever. That is why I want to say thank you all in case we may never hear from each other. I’m not getting morbid, but at Mass this weekend, a fellow parishioner, told me that her mother was literally dying in front of her. Her mother will be 91 years old in October. She is a beautiful woman and we often talked of her husband being stationed in Hawaii when they were young. I can imagine her vibrancy and love of life in her early years, now she is frail and just getting tired of living. No one can take the place of a mother on this earth. That’s why I said life is short and we squabble over trivial matters. Some say time is a great healer, others say sometimes its not.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11

Let’s not forget the victims and survivors of 9/11 nine years ago. Their losses will never be forgotten. Our prayers are with them and their families. But don’t ever forget the first responders! Remember the pain and suffering that they are still going through. Yes, they have horrible memories etched forever in files they wished to forget. Some of them have health problems from breathing in the contaminants that were in the air. Even now they are still fighting for government care. This day did not come without its share of controversies. Muslims wanted to put a mosque within 4 blocks of ground zero. This is offensive to some even though they do have a right to practice their religion here in America but I think it’s a matter of respect and find another location. This is a separate article as it is but I’m not taking away from my homage to 9/11. Another major controversy was with a Florida pastor who threatened to burn the Muslim Koran. What is wrong with people? Hopefully, I’ll have a guest editor who will discuss this issue in detail later. Keep in mind that we lost people at the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa., too.  Our soldiers are still fighting and dying in the mountains and desert sands on foreign soils to maintain our security. I ask that you keep our country and military in your prayers.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not A Peaceful Sight!

This diorama featuring the Massachusetts 54th regiment fighting on Morris Island originally was built to be displayed in the Statue of Liberty. After several years at Fort Moultrie, it has been given to the Seashore Farmers' Lodge, where it is now displayed.

More History!!

Yes, I’m still caught up on the Massachusetts 54th Regiment’s history and its associations. Lodges such as Seashore Farmers’ Lodge No. 767 were, along with the church, the heart of the community. Communication and cooperation with other lodges in the area and annual lodge parades and gatherings helped cement ties with the wider African American community. If a member or a member’s family was ill the Lodge members would “nurture” them; they gave money if possible and provided assistance with the home and children. The Seashore Farmers’ Lodge also provided assistance, recreation and education for the community; they raised money for the local Sunday school, and hosted Vacation Bible School for the area children. The Lodge members were small farmers, bound together by familial and community ties. The building has a lateral gable roof of raised-seam tin with exposed rafters, wood clapboarding, concrete piers, and windows with wooden full-panel shutters as simple openings.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0