Friday, January 22, 2010

History Is Now!

We are living in historical times. This blog isn’t all about my personal opinions. It’s also my historical register. There are so many things happening throughout the world. Port-au-Prince in Haiti had a 7.0 earthquake followed up almost a week later with a 6.1. The first was devastating enough causing thousands of deaths. The number of predicted deaths is staggering. Numbers might exceed 200,000 which might be a conservative number. There is no count of how many parents & children were lost. As for orphans, who will know the exact number. A republican has won a senate seat in Massachusetts for the first time in over 30 years. America is speaking out. We’re not happy with either party. Unfortunately, we don’t have much to choose from. Nevertheless, we need jobs, we need raises, we want health care without paying our life savings! Our politicians don’t seem to have us in mind, they are listening to the groups that have the deepest pockets! We need to get out and vote, people! Get these fat cats out! I am approaching the later years in my life and I have seen Presidents of this nation come and go but I have never seen anyone of them fight for every inch of their movement until now. Perhaps the history of having an African-American President is just that, history period. And because he is who he is, parts of this nation still carries hostilities and distrust towards him. One year has passed and it feels like three already. Whatever he is for, there are more against. Are we returning to the Jim Crow days? Is there really a secret conspiracy to destroy this country from within with another civil war? Moderate Republicans are no longer tolerated. If you’re not an ultra-conservative then you are not with the program. I digress. The weather can change so abruptly and extreme that we don’t have a clue from day to day what the weather will be like. And overseas, the terrorists are forcing us all to live in fear. Yes, these are historical times and we have forgotten to include God in them.

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Tragedy In The Atmosphere!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the nation experienced a tragic air collision that deeply affected travelers. The incident occurred at Ronald R..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0