Friday, January 8, 2010

The Hand of God

Just a couple of days ago, my home was broken into. The suspect broke the door frame near the deadbolt to get in. What was so odd about this was I saw the suspect walking in front of the place at 5:50 early morning in 25 degrees weather. I will be brief about the details but when I left I kept looking at this person in my review mirror that was still walking. My spirit was telling me something was wrong but I continued on to work. About 8:40AM I received a call to come home that my place had been broken into. When I arrived I saw several law enforcement cars and a crime unit all over the place. When I saw the door I pictured the worse. However, the guys were smiling. They caught him and the suspect was already in jail! Without the quick response of my neighbors who had a good idea of my work habits they called it in and the “boys in blue” were able to apprehend the guy. Great neighbors! Believe me there are a lot more details and events that took place that morning but they aren’t what I’m writing about! On the way home, I had plenty of time to think about what would be missing and the mess I’ll need to clean up. But I started thinking that whatever God has in store for me, it was His Will. The fact is, I started praising God for His goodness! Don’t ask why, I just did. I thanked Him for taking control of my life, since I had already given it over to Him. So when I did arrive, I found that the most damage was to the door frame and an upstairs blind that the suspect broke jumping out of to avoid the police! All I can say is that the Hand of God was in all of this! I realize a lot of people don’t believe or have the faith to want to, but there is a power beyond any of our control that exists. I feel so grateful that I barely can only express myself. I fall, too! God knows I have my faults. But, He is a merciful God, a kind-hearted God that forgives constantly.
I write about early responders a lot and how they risk their lives everyday to protect and serve. They have a thankless job and not many are appreciated even when they save lives or get another slug off the streets. But, I will always appreciate what they do because I know what it takes to serve the public. Many people get angry when it seems that no one is available to help them when needed. Others are ungrateful when they do. Such is the life of a public servant. When they give their lives, they leave families and loved ones behind, too! They cry, they hurt, and they love just like everyone else. Whether you will ever need our first responders or not, whenever you see them, smile or wave at them. By now you know that I am talking about law enforcement, EMS, and our military. There are many others that I did not name, but I'll remind you that you, too, are a first responder! Let’s pray that the Hand of God is always with you and them!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0