Friday, January 1, 2010

Have a Blessed & Wonderful New Year!

2010, not only is this the beginning of a New Year, it’s the beginning of a New Decade! Many of us are glad 2009 is over and look for high expectations in 2010. But as we get older reality sinks in and we notice that some things are not always what they seem! That no matter how positive we are and want to be, disappointments and frustrations still affect us! Our bodies feel pain, that don’t react the way we want them to and definitely don’t recover as fast as they used to. The fact of the matter is living has taught us to be wary of good things. We have seen more than our share of trials and tribulations and now know that nothing is guaranteed except death. Some people are already not paying taxes. I’m not taking anybody on a downward spiral of negativity this New Year! Don’t dwell on past regrets, disappointments, and failures. In fact, I want us to be more positive and tolerant in this New Year and New Decade. Remember Y2K? A year later 2001? Each of us has major and minor unforgettable moments that the past year and 10 years impressed on us. Take a moment and think about what happened in your life. Now take a moment to think about what you’d like to see happen in your life this New Year and decade. I bet you a donut that everything you thought for the future is positive! We are all positive people and enjoy being happy, we have just seen too many things that took our energy. As long as we live, we will be faced with challenges, but it depends on how we deal with them. What has been working for me is I bring God with me in everything I do. He’s there with me all of the time but when I’m working, He’s right next to me! This is a good day to start over again! Don’t stop at resolutions, continue with commitments. What would we like to see change within us, around us? Can we do something about it? Will we? Hope wasn’t just a platform that our President ran on, it was around long before him. Jesse Jackson would say “Keep hope alive!” But hope can be a heavyweight word, it’s pushing for change in all of our lives. Your looks will change in time even your spirit. But develop that relationship with God and the real you will change for the better! So, why not change for the better? Work it out! Lean on the Lord!! He has gotten us out of situations that we didn’t think was possible. But, remember, don’t bring it on yourself! I wish you a blessed & wonderful life!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0