Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Martyrs & Heroes!

The past several days have been loaded with the media being excited and concerned about Tiger Woods single car crash early Saturday morning. You all know what I’m talking about! They wanted to get to the bottom of why Tiger left his home around 2:30 in the morning and why his wife was helping him out of his SUV with a golf club. They got a story about Tiger and his affair and the media wanted to know all the worse details! This is real news! What a shame! How many married couples have had or are having affairs? We will never know and many of us don’t care! It’s really nobody’s business except the people involved.
However, to me, the real news during that time hasn’t seemed to be fully investigated. We had four (4) police officers ambushed in a coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington, while they were doing their paperwork by a lone assassin. Did we hear much about them? Did we hear anything about their families and the people they left behind? These martyrs and heroes died because they wore a uniform and some unbalanced person with prior records decided to kill them in cold blood. This person had already assaulted an officer and raped someone? Why was he out on bond? Why blame a former governor of a decision he made years ago commuting this criminal’s sentence? Are we to be held accountable for past sins? The worse a criminal record the quicker one can make bail? Where was the media on this topic? How important is this killing compared to Tiger’s affair? Who in the hell is approving this media mess? Good men and women are dying daily performing a thankless job and the news media has turned to gossiping. Men and women in the military, as well as, our essential protectors and EMS people seems to be less important than family indiscretions. There was a time when uniforms meant something to people, respect and authority. Someone decided that the laws we had that were meant to govern weren’t in sync with today’s norms. Now all hell have busted loose. I can’t express enough how disappointed I am with the disrespect that the media has shown for people in authority. I’m sure there are some folk in the media that trying to get their voices heard, but they are overshadowed by the deep pockets and coverage of the mainstream. I am not ignoring the ordinary citizen who sacrifices daily to provide for their family and is attacked because some bum doesn’t want to work for a living. They are martyrs and heroes, too! Prayer has been taken out of schools, some churches are bigger than resorts, parents can’t discipline their children anymore, and there seems to be no respect for the elderly and authority! As a society, we have lost our way. We better find it really quick!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0