What's Your Excuse, Now?

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 1944 – D-Day!

In preparation for the invasion, artillery equipment is loaded aboard LCTS at an English port. BrixhamEngland.
1 June 1944. Photo by Nehez. SC206438
Today, June 6, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the military term D-Day which a planned military operation began. June 6, 1944, was the day that allied forces joined together to take the fight to their enemies in Western Europe. The US, with the British and Canadian forces, some 156,000 of them landed on five beaches spreading along a 50-mile stretch of France’s Normandy area. It took a great deal of planning to deceive the Germans of the invasion but it worked. Nevertheless, there were thousands of casualties and some 4,000 plus deaths.  These brave people gave their all so that we can have the freedom we have now. Franklin D. Roosevelt was President at the time but died in 1945. It was the time that WWII was coming to an end.

Despite the freedoms, we have some of us have taken them to the extreme.  We disrespect our current President publicly with no apologies because of free speech.  Even though if we had lost the war would our free speech be abolished?  Would I be able to write this blog?  We have the right to bear arms but in some areas in America we can flaunt it in the government’s face and take our guns in public settings not under threat but intimidating to others. What will happen when good guys stand their ground against other good guys? Will a misunderstanding be resolved peacefully or with gunplay? How many innocent people will be affected? What do we do when our politicians are more concerned about their personal interests than for the people? The real winners are the arms dealers. They promote fear and increase gun sales. A vote is a powerful weapon when you have thousands, it can change the political environment. Let's hope people use common sense.

The President is facing more controversy for trading a soldier for five terrorists. I don’t have the complete details on how Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was captured and the reasons behind it. It seems that he might not get a hero's welcome. He might not receive anything favorable. But he is home! As for the terrorists, have we forgotten the drones? If anything, those guys will be looking over their shoulders as long as they live.  Our combat soldiers returning home will carry much more than that for the rest of their lives.  They lost friends, fellow soldiers and seen things they couldn't help but see.  The VA and their families will have to deal with PTSD and other mental disorders that can put those soldiers on the edge. Pray that they don't commit suicide or homicides.

We also need to be concerned about the shootings and stabbings here in America. There is a litany of murders taking place across college campuses and homes.  First Responders have to be extremely careful while carrying out their duties.  I wonder if those soldiers who died for this country in past and current wars expected this kind of reaction from the people and country they died for.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kingdom - Common featuring Vince Staples! Adult language!

Common is an intellectually, socially-conscious rapper. "Kingdom," his latest song, is a profound exploration of religion and violence in Chicago. Harsh language but very thought provoking.  This is the first time I ever used sound cloud. Our young people are longing for guidance and love!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Time to Remember by Joyce Meyer!

Joyce Meyer

"Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" Mark 8:18

I have often said I think we forget what we should remember and remember what we should forget. Jesus chastised the disciples on one of their journeys because they had forgotten about a miracle He had done. They had started out on a trip and suddenly remembered that they had forgotten to bring enough bread. He then began to chastise them, asking if they had forgotten when He fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread. Had they forgotten another amazing miracle when He fed four thousand with seven loaves? Had they remembered, they would not be worried about going hungry because of not having brought enough bread with them.

If we would remember the miracles God has done in our past, we would not so easily fall into worry and fear when we face new challenges. When David was facing Goliath and nobody was encouraging him, he remembered the lion and the bear that he had already slain with God’s help. Because of remembering the past, he had no fear of the current situation.

Are you facing something right now that looms before you like a giant in your life? Is it illness or financial lack? Is it relationship problems? Is it something you have never done before and you don’t know where to begin?

The truth is that it doesn’t matter what it is because nothing is impossible for God. Take some time right now and recall some of the things He has helped you with and brought you through in the past. Think about and talk about those things, and you will find courage filling your heart.

RIP, Maya Angelou!

Maya and Oprah
A phenomenal woman has gone to her real home. Her purpose on earth has been fulfilled.  Ms. Angelou overcame many obstacles and turned them into successes. I don't think life was easy for her, I believe she found a way to channel her challenges in such a way to make them acceptable in all of their forms. There will be many more words and expressions forthcoming about this phenomenal woman from the media. Ms. Angelou is a prime example of making lemonade when life has given you lemons.  Stand up and recognize the phenomenal women that are around you everyday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day, More Than Just Another Day!

Arlington National Cemetery
Monday, May 26, 2014, was Memorial Day!  This is a day of remembrance and tribute to the military personnel who gave their lives for our country. These brave men and women should never be forgotten for their unselfish actions. I feel that those still in service are being unappreciated. Granted some branches of the military are not facing immediate combat danger but that does not mean all are not facing dangerous situations.  Do you realize even boot camp can be a danger zone for some people. The rigors and disciplines that a soldier, airman or sailor will undergo can be stressful and burdensome but they are necessary for future survival.  Pray for those that survived combat might have lost their limbs and minds from the damage that war leaves behind.  They have seen things that will never be forgotten! Memorial Day is more than just a day for being off from work and cooking out!  It is a time to reflect, a time for people to think about families who will never see their loved ones again because their family members gave the ultimate sacrifice so that others can cook out, go to the beach and have a great time being free.  Let’s make time everyday to pray for our family members and those in the military.  Just like them, our lives can change in seconds.

To My Closest Friends!

I have not forgotten you!  I appreciate your texts and voicemails but I'm not ready to talk.  You are so kind and loving but I know you have questions and I'm not ready to answer.  The important thing is your health.  I pray that you are taking care of yourself.  I am undergoing a spiritual growth and revelation that I have not experienced in several years since my mother’s transition.  I have accepted and embraced the Will of God who orders my steps.  As you know, I always wanted to be in control of my destiny but I now realized that God was always in control.  I appreciate your concern and patience but I am well and blessed.  You will be hearing from me soon enough.  God bless you and take care of you.  Thank you for believing in me!  I know that you are there for me if I ever need you.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Some Things Never Change!

2014 is still the same as 1914.  Blacks have their places in society and they are not always in leadership or in authority. Some people will never like a particular group of people in any position!  It is hard to change the pattern of that kind of stinking-thinking.  Some won't even take the time to try. Like Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland in New Hampshire said, in an email that Obama "meets and exceeds my criteria for" using the n-word. Life is short and people still have time to hate. This man is 82 years old! Times are changing and there are people who don't like the changes.  Since the President's election there has been quite a few folks who won't admit that they don't care for him because of his skin color.  It has always been about disliking his policies but never openly admitting that they don't care for his color, too.  I don't like what the Commissioner said but at least he is honest compared to others about his dislike for the President.  We can agree that we will disagree.

Follow-up - Mr. Copeland resigned Monday, May 19, 2014.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...