What's Your Excuse, Now?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It’s Not My Job!

You got to give it to Rick Santorum as a candidate running for President of the United States.  A leader stands up for what he thinks is right regardless of the feedback.  If Santorum was a man with character he wouldn’t mislead or deceive his potential voters.  That is the problem with this current crop of candidates.  They are more determined to be the nominee of the Republican Party that they are willing to compromise their moral and integrity to get it.  Rick had an opportunity to seize the moment by correcting a falsehood made by an individual.  Instead, he tried to take a negative advantage of it by “alluding” but not disagreeing that the President is an Arab.  How responsible would this “President” be when things go wrong?  Sen. John McCain is a bigger man.  In 2008, when McCain was running for President, a woman told him that she heard Obama was an Arab.  McCain immediately threw that claim out.  He respectfully told her, “No, ma’am.  He's a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not."  Booyah!  Now that was Presidential material.  John didn’t make it as President but at least he manned up!  Santorum didn’t take the high road and he didn’t dive in the ditch to get dirty.  He just stood back and said “That’s not my job!”

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Do Not Interpret Dreams!

This article started out from a simple email and phone conversation but it got me really thinking.  A friend sent me an email last weekend about a dream she had and wanted several of us to interpret it for us.  I’m not even good at guessing, so dream interpretation is out of the question.  I didn’t answer the email.  Later, she forwarded me a response from one of the recipients with a note that said, “Look what so & so said.”  I still didn’t reply.  A few minutes later I got a phone call from my friend asking if I read her email and what did I think?  I told her that so & so was right!  “Why”, she asked?  Because the first thing typed was, “Pray for revelation!”  To me, that was a good answer.  I believe that once God gives you the answer, what other answer do you need?  You don’t need a second opinion.  This is spiritual related, not medical.  The prophets and kings in the Bible knew it or either learned it later.  God makes the impossible, possible, because He is able and no one is greater.  We tend to want an immediate answer and one that we want to hear.  We all love and believe in God, but we all have our moments of weakness.  Our disappointments are God’s appointments.  We can’t see that because that’s who we are.  God wants us to use these difficult situations and circumstances to help us grow and be better people.  It’s hard to deal with rejections and failures.  But we have to believe if God didn’t believe in us we wouldn’t be who we are.  It’s bad enough that we don’t believe in ourselves.  Back to the dream interpretation dilemma, when it’s time to be revealed, she will recognize the significance.  Prayerfully, she will learn more about herself.  She is a good person but like many of us still searching for more, for something to believe in.

And The Loser Is …

South Carolina republican voters chose Newt Gingrich as the representative to best wrestle the controls from President Obama.  They came out in impressive forces at the polls.  You have to give them props because it was terrible weather in South Carolina Saturday, January 22nd.  I think had it been a democratic turnout, not many people will face bad weather.  602,433 people came out to vote for their candidate of choice.  The bulk of the votes, 591,661, went to Gingrich, 243,398, 40%; Romney, 167,957, 28%; Santorum, 102,213, 17%; and my favorite, Ron Paul, 78,093, 13%.  10,772 votes went to former runners, Bachman; 496, Cain; 6,326, Huntsman, 1,188, Johnson, 213, and Perry 2,549.  Those voters could have forgotten who were running or have other reasons to vote.  Interesting that Gingrich got the large conservative counties in South Carolina.  Anderson, with 44%, Greenville, 40%, Horry, 46%, Kershaw 38%, Lexington, 37%, and Spartanburg, 40% .  Richland has Kershaw and Lexington on each side but they only voted 32%.  I can’t question the unwritten statement that the voters are saying but I can question why some these evangelical Christians can cheer for adulterers but promote family values.  Yet, they can still hate people with different skin complexions.  I shouldn’t be surprised in their commitment to Newt, he’s a good old Georgia boy.  He wants young black men and women to be janitors so that they’ll have a permanent job. I have to remember that South Carolina sided with the slave owners, seceded from the union, sided with the British in the American Revolution, hated civil rights because state rights won’t have much need of the Federal Government.  We still hold education hostage and don’t care for northerners.  Hypocrisy is the mainstay.  Northerners and the elite are still running our state.  We can hate this President so much that any ethics violations Newt committed in Congress and personal abuse against his wives will be forgotten. So many people are angry it seems for all of the wrong reasons.  So many politicians are exploiting this anger and channeling it more towards fear and negativity.  Newt has proven that.  What we will always see is the beliefs that people throughout the US still think that Obama is a Muslim (Even though Rev. Wright was his preacher and Rev. Wright was hated).  Rick Santorum had a moment to correct that falsehood but instead used it as if he had agreed with the lady in his campaign questioning Obama's nationality.  Newt, I am appalled that you candidates running for President are not truly respresenting all of the people but your own selfish interests.  Newt was a part of the Washington Machine, he knows exactly what buttons to push to get the necessary results.  I don’t know how long he will ride this wave but fear and anger can go a long way.  Why can't these guys be like Ron Paul, consistent?  What will happen for many us when America is taken back to where?  Who will really lose.  Minorities suppose to know their place.  Looks like the middle class will be losing a lot more points. 

Friday, January 13, 2012


Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

Want in on a little secret? Here it is. I like to hold a grudge. I like to hold a grudge because it feels good. You see, when I hold a grudge, the other person is the bad guy, and I’m the victim. When I hold a grudge, I can play the part of the tragic hero and bask in my righteous indignation. Best of all, when I hold a grudge, my life is simple. I’m right. They’re wrong. And unless they come back and grovel to my satisfaction, I don’t have to strain my mind about anything.

But there’s a downside to holding a grudge. Playing the victim seems like an easy pass for a while. But over time it leaves a sense of helplessness that’s bitter and dark. Righteous indignation may taste sweet for a moment, but eventually it sours the soul. And when I hold a grudge in front of my eyes, I am blinding myself to all the ways I have failed others, all the ways I have disappointed others, and all the ways I have given others good reason to hold a grudge against me.

Maybe you struggle with the same problem. But here’s the real tragedy. You and I are naturals when it comes to holding grudges. We’re good at it. So good that, as sinners, we’re trapped. Trapped in cycles of bitterness and resentment. Trapped with no peaceful place to go. Which is exactly why Jesus came to invade our time and space. He took upon himself the weight of our every sin, our every failure, our every wrong. He went to the cross. He paid for them in full. Because he did, the Lord has forgiven us. It’s a forgiveness that’s complete. It’s a forgiveness that’s free.

That forgiveness is something else, too. God’s Word tells us that that forgiveness is also what gives us the power to forgive others, to release old grudges, to dismiss old grievances that have been darkening our lives far too long.

This year, throw the old grudges away. Forgive. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.

*Morning Walk E-Mail

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello Beloved – Angela Winbush/Ronald Isley

What a beautiful song! Angela and Ron can sing! Of course, there was some chemistry, they did marry in 1993 and they divorced in 2002. Angela was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2003 but after a successful surgery, the cancer was in remission and she went back to singing. She went through some other things such as having a benign cyst removed from her breast overcoming depression after her divorce from Ron. She’s proud that her strong faith has helped her to overcome these challenges. Angela is such a beautiful woman!

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...