What's Your Excuse, Now?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Movies!

With Memorial Day come all of the old movies from the 30’s up the present. I am a fanatic for these nostalgic scenes of yesteryear. I saw In Harms Way, From Hell to Eternity, Bataan, Midway, To Hell and Back, Darby’s Rangers, Sergeant York, Stalag 17 and as many others I could see without falling asleep trying to stay up all night. Somehow I managed to fit in some Clint Eastwood films, too! I saw a Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, Hang ‘em High, and Pale Rider. You can I see that I hibernated all weekend. I even saw Legend of the Fall! I saw some great movies these past four days mainly directed towards the brave and fallen. But what brought the true meaning of Memorial Day to me was not visit the Memorial downtown but seeing the movie Taking Chance, a true story. Please see this movie. It’s about a Lt. Colonel escorting a fallen marine, whose name is Chance Phelps, nineteen years old, back home in Colorado. Chance was killed in action in Iraq and the great care and love the techs did to prepare him for his final journey was amazing! They treated the body with dignity and honor. The LTC played by Kevin Bacon had to come to grips with his own emotions and inner battles. To me, this was the best I have ever seen Kevin act. This movie reminded me of Jamie Foxx in Ray, I soon forgot that it was Jamie playing and saw only Ray Charles. That’s how good this movie is. I remember those days how at times it was fun, laughing and joking one minute, and the next, worrying about whether you’re going back home in a body bag or with all of your parts. Don’t take your military men and women for granted! Don’t take your own life for granted! We have EMS, Police, firemen, first responders, doctors and nurses, who everyday get up in the morning and do what they do best to protect and help others. So many of them all take a last look at home before they leave because they know they can’t be sure if they’ll return. We have to support our troops. They are our babies, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, who feel that they are obligated to give something to this nation. This great nation cannot fail them, now or never. The powers-that-be need to stop bullshitting our military and veterans and treat them with the dignity and respect that these brave men and women deserve! There should be no questions of employment, housing and medical treatment that these veterans should enjoy from our government. And yes, I did wear my American Legion cap all weekend!

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation."

George Washington
General and Commander-in-Chief & First President of the United States of America

Memorial Day Salute!

Many a good soldier has died for this country.  Some were recognized and many went unnoticed.  Some of these brave soldiers's bodies were never recovered.  Most importantly, families never recovered either.  Conflicts, battles, and wars always seem  meaningless unless you're involved.  Even then you question the purpose and value.  It's easy to sit behind a desk a make decisions for others to venture in harm's way.  But, let me stick to the point.  Many black soldiers and sailors have given their lives for this country and are still treated unfairly.  One day the world will recognize these brave men, too.  The Tuskeegee Airmen finally got their due even though many of them have already died before they got it.  Do not blame others for their own hatreds, pray for them.  You can't change a man's mind until you change his heart.  On this Memorial Day, take a moment and give all brave soldiers that died and are still fighting, a minute of thanks.  Then pray for those families that sacrificed their sons and daughters who will never see them again.  They gave up their love ones for freedom and causes that they may never know.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Get The Facts Straight!!!

I heard a local news anchor announce that the President was talking a lot of heat because he wasn't attending Memorial Day Services at the Tomb of The Unknown Solder.  Of course, you know what "fair and unbiased" network started it, but I honestly believe that one day Glenn Beck will have a nervous breakdown and blame the liberals for it.  I guess news anchors don't have to do anymore research for facts.  I wonder...?

I found this correct information on Media Matters, that President Obama was not the only President that didn't lay a wreath on the Tomb on Memorial Day.  Here it is:

Obama is not the first president to commemorate the holiday somewhere other than Arlington National Cemetery.

Beck falsely claims Obama "has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day"

From the May 26 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program:

BECK: The president has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day and go to -- can you find out the last president that decided to take a vacation and then go to a Paul McCartney -- come back for a Paul McCartney concert, but not for the laying of a wreath on Memorial Day? Maybe this has happened before. I don't recall it.

Previous presidents have honored Memorial Day away from Arlington Cemetery

1983: Reagan attended summit meeting; Defense Department official Thayer laid wreath at Arlington. Deputy Secretary of Defense W. Paul Thayer laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery during the Memorial Day ceremony in 1983, according to a May 31, 1983, Washington Post article (retrieved from the Nexis database). The Associated Press reported that President Reagan attended a "summit meeting in Williamsburg, Va., with leaders of the industrialized democracies."

1992: George H.W. Bush allowed VP Quayle to lay wreath. In 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, according to a May 26, 1992, Boston Globe article (from Nexis). The Globe reported that President George H.W. Bush attended a wreath-laying ceremony and made brief remarks at an American Legion hall in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he also played a round of golf.

2002: George W. Bush spoke at commemoration in Normandy. On May 27, 2002, President George W. Bush spoke at a Memorial Day commemoration in Normandy, France.

Bush remained in Texas for Veterans Day in 2007

Veterans Day 2007: Cheney attended ceremony to pay tribute at Arlington as Bush remained in Texas. On November 11, 2007, the AP reported that "President Bush honored U.S. troops past and present at a tearful ceremony Sunday for four Texans who died there." The AP further reported that "Vice President Dick Cheney went to Arlington to pay tribute to Iraq veterans."

So much for bending the facts.  Years ago, the things said about our President would have been treasonous.  It's remarkable how we can find a great use now for Free Speech.

RIP, Gary Coleman!

Tragedy continues to strike the young cast of the old TV Series "Different Folks."  This time Gary Coleman, known for the popular phrase "What you talking about Willis", died at the age of 42 on Friday after a brain hemorrhage.  He was taken off life support systems Friday morning and passed on that afternoon.  He followed his TV sister, Dana Plato, of a drug overdose in 1999.  Her son couldn't get over her death and had committed suicide on May 6, 2010.  Todd Bridges has had his share of ups and downs, more downs than up.  Some have said that it was a curse on that show, I don't know.  Gary has suffered all of his life due to congenital health problems that aided in stunting his growth.  Rest In Peace, Mr Coleman!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Desire, Need, and Action!!!

Reverend Colley dropped by today to drop me some knowledge. I enjoy talking to the Reverend. He gave me the analogy I used on Hide ‘n’ Seek and Lions, Tigers, and Bears. This time at his last Sunday’s sermon, he used children as an example. Rev. uses a basic technique of getting the Word across, he keeps it simple. Understand that Rev is an intellectual but he doesn’t use it as a stamp, he’s just a down to earth guy, who knows how to present himself. Most importantly, I, personally, needed this message. Last week’s sermon was on what were the 2 important questions children ask? I hope that you adults can go back a bit and think like children for a few minutes. Thought about it? What were the primary questions did we ask our parents, others, or ourselves? What is that? Why? Weren’t we inquisitive? Our young minds wanted to know what things were and why were they like that. We got the definition on what and the purpose on why. The answers satisfied our small minds because they made sense. We didn’t know any better, but we trusted that the grown-ups did. But as children, as many things that we did, we still tried to stay on track because we had a single-minded focus on what awaited us. Okay, change back into the adult mode now. We are so busy with the job, family, multi-tasking here and there that we spread ourselves thin. We get off track. You can’t pay bills if you don’t work. If you’re unhappy at your job, you can’t quit until you find something better. Your family needs you now more than ever, but if you’re getting stressful every time you’re home, something has to change. What do you do? We have forgotten as children to ask ourselves, what do we do? Why are we doing it? We must slow down and get back on track and ask these questions. We have to be honest with our answers, too. In order to get back on track, we need to know what our true Desire is. What real Need will we accomplish? And what Action(s) should we take? Don’t allow what you’re doing get in the way of where you’re going. I know that I didn’t say or exactly quote word for word what Reverend Colley said but this about sums it up. We must become like Little Children in our way of thinking and acting. I’m reminding myself more than you why I am here on this earth…to get to my heavenly home. I get distracted at times, but a friend sent me an email reminding me that “we ought to develop godly friends. These are the Christian brothers and sisters who will laugh, cry, and empathize with us. Above all, believers need friends who will continually point them to God and pray over them.” Don’t forget to click on the red bold printed words, they are links to point you in the right direction.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Sinner's Prayer!

Lord, please hear my plea. Listen to the words of your humble servant. I am a sinful and broken man with a sorrowful heart. My brother and sister have no feelings for me. Is it really my color the reason for this hate? Is it the fruits of my labor that are not worth showing but jealous of? My heart is burdened with sorrow and grief. Their words and actions are like arrows piercing my very soul. They turn their backs on your loyal servant. Turn not your back on me, O Lord. My joy has been stolen by the enemy who planted these scornful seeds and I am too weak to fight by myself. David wrote constantly of his love for you but he was also anointed by you. I am but a man who has forgotten that he was created in your divine image and bears the breath of your Holy Spirit. I cry constantly because my sadness feels no love from my brother. What have I gained when I have lost everything that was so dear to me? Touch me, Lord. Wrap me in your grace and mercy. Hold me close to your forgiving heart so that I can love and forgive my brother for his anger. Guide me, direct me, Lord, to the paths that You have willed for me. Strengthen me in these times of weakness and despair that when I reach for your trusting hands, You are always there. I feel so alone, that I can’t talk to even my closest friends about my hurts. This is two years, two months, and a day since my mother has gone home to You. Is this why I feel so despondent today? Please, Lord, hear my cries. So many around me are being called home and we still do not realize that nothing is guaranteed. Life is so short and taken for granted. Thank you, Lord, I already feel your grace enveloping me.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...