What's Your Excuse, Now?

Monday, March 2, 2009


Men & women see things differently, it’s our nature. At times, we will even disagree strongly about it. It depends on the dominant figure in the relationship. I believe that when the issue involves us collectively, we do come together. Unified, there is nothing that we cannot handle. Opposed, we will fall. Most of the time, the woman will win. How we handle our differences will depend on how greater the loss. In that case, who will be blamed for the failure? And where do we go from there?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Never Satisfied

Let's take this up another step. If you don't seem to ever get "it right", what does it take? And when you think it is "right", it is still not good enough. When will good enough be right enough? Why is there an excuse to constantly find fault with the other person, especially, when you're just as imperfect as the one you want perfect? Never satisfied!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Real Love is Unconditional

We continue to look for the right one even if they are under our nose. We wait for that feeling, that bolt of lightening, that knowing look that this is my future love. We get so infatuated that we ignore the red flags that pop-up. We can't seem to realize that we might be constantly critiqued or just not doing the right thing that we will never do the right thing in that person's eyes. We also might not realize that we are doing the same mess to our lover. We are not perfect but expect perfection in our better half. We all have issues and we need to get over them. Conditions may never be right for the lives we want but instead of working together, we indirectly work against each other. Love is unconditional which means we accept the faults, the imperfections. How many of us can say we love unconditionally? And really mean it?


I didn't realize how fast time passed. It's 2009!!! It seemed that I have not gone a day without tearing up about my mom. I thank God everyday that this has made me stronger in faith. It hasn't been easy. But this experience is shared by many of us who have lost someone we truly cared about. Our loved ones and we will too, will go to a higher plain other than this earth. But, what about the loved ones that just simply moved away or out of our lives? That is another topic.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Christmas Without Mom

Christmas is just four days away. The holidays are very different without my mom. I really miss her. She would always sang for me on our birthdays and was always a calm voice in stressful times. She taught us how to treat people with patience, respect and compassion. Yes, our lives are different because we are trying to practice these lessons. Merry Christmas, mom! We love you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Back

I'm back! We had a major change in our lives for 2008 in March. Our mother expired unexpectedly, the day after Easter, and it sent us for a loop. Talk about relationships! There is nothing like a mother's love, it's unconditional. I don't even know how to begin on this subject. We all wonder what we would do when we would lose a parent or a loved one. Well, to me, it's worse than you think. There are so many questions, thoughts and wishes that you wanted to ask, do, and make that leaves you empty. Without God, some of us would be lost and/or crazy. All I can say for those people that have suffered lost, it is rough. I know that I'm going through episodes esp., in quiet moments when I think of happy moments. Our mom didn't suffer, but we truly miss her.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Button Pushing

Now that we are all clear on this, let’s move forward. We all know how some women like to push our buttons to see how far they can go and how much we can take. You’re not going to win the argument unless you are 150% sure that you are correct. And you’re still can’t be sure the outcome will be in your favor. None of us are perfect but some of us look for perfection in our mates. We can’t accept the fact that we are not perfect. This is a weakness that must be dealt with immediately. Hopefully, both of you are able to speak with maturity in this area. More importantly, if you both can come to terms and realize that love brought you together and honesty, trust and forgiveness will keep you, hold on! You both are blessed! Just don’t base the love for sex or good looks, in time, that will change. The tidal waves of contention will separate you without a thought. Don't regret your good thing! Keep in mind that the only thing that you will agree on that you will have disagreements.

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...