Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Button Pushing

Now that we are all clear on this, let’s move forward. We all know how some women like to push our buttons to see how far they can go and how much we can take. You’re not going to win the argument unless you are 150% sure that you are correct. And you’re still can’t be sure the outcome will be in your favor. None of us are perfect but some of us look for perfection in our mates. We can’t accept the fact that we are not perfect. This is a weakness that must be dealt with immediately. Hopefully, both of you are able to speak with maturity in this area. More importantly, if you both can come to terms and realize that love brought you together and honesty, trust and forgiveness will keep you, hold on! You both are blessed! Just don’t base the love for sex or good looks, in time, that will change. The tidal waves of contention will separate you without a thought. Don't regret your good thing! Keep in mind that the only thing that you will agree on that you will have disagreements.

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