What's Your Excuse, Now?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Christmas Without Mom

Christmas is just four days away. The holidays are very different without my mom. I really miss her. She would always sang for me on our birthdays and was always a calm voice in stressful times. She taught us how to treat people with patience, respect and compassion. Yes, our lives are different because we are trying to practice these lessons. Merry Christmas, mom! We love you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Back

I'm back! We had a major change in our lives for 2008 in March. Our mother expired unexpectedly, the day after Easter, and it sent us for a loop. Talk about relationships! There is nothing like a mother's love, it's unconditional. I don't even know how to begin on this subject. We all wonder what we would do when we would lose a parent or a loved one. Well, to me, it's worse than you think. There are so many questions, thoughts and wishes that you wanted to ask, do, and make that leaves you empty. Without God, some of us would be lost and/or crazy. All I can say for those people that have suffered lost, it is rough. I know that I'm going through episodes esp., in quiet moments when I think of happy moments. Our mom didn't suffer, but we truly miss her.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...