Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cut From The Same Cloth?

Protesters from the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church received a Memorial Day razzing from counter-demonstrators affiliated with a Virginia branch of the Ku Klux Klan

What a twist!  Two hate groups are now turning their hatred towards each other at Arlington National Cemetery!  The Westboro Baptist Church didn’t get love from a Virginian branch of the Ku Klux Klan!  Go figure!  One of the most bigoted churches in the nation is being demonstrated against by one of the most racist groups in the nation.  If you’re not familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church group, they are known for their extreme stance against homosexuality, picketing funerals, and desecrating the American flag.  These folks protest military and celebrity funerals to get media attention.  They are like a rebel Baptist church that has no connections with the Baptists.  Yes, they are an independent hate group as far I’m concerned.  They don’t seem to like or respect anyone if you aren’t a member.  I do mean anyone, including religions.  It’s odd that they do not support racism.  But their founder Fred Phelps is a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement and his Church has tried to distance itself from groups that support racism.  On the day when both groups should be paying tribute and remembrance to our fallen heroes, they are focusing on pettiness and attention.  They are surely exercising their free speech bought by these heroes’ blood.  This is the direction our country is headed and it has nothing to do with the government or the current administration.

Rest In Peace, Gil Scott Heron - (April 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2011

The world is full of disasters, civil unrests, wars, political upheavals, and financial disarray.  Our politicians are arguing and disagreeing over interests that are not best for the nation because they owe their souls to the highest bidders.  Tornadoes and tsunamis are destroying cities and reshaping the destinies of their residents.  Families are being torn apart due to countless reasons but mostly infidelities and financial.  It is easier to fall out of love now than it is falling in love.  Yet, despite it all, there are families that are still grateful that they are still being blessed even when they have lost everything they owned.  Still the sun rises and sets, and during the days and nights we witness beautiful sights and share joys and sorrows.  Today is Memorial Day!  We pay tribute to those members of the military that have given their lives for our country.  Without such gallant hearts, there is no telling what kind of country we would be living in this day.  They fought for this country in the beginning from the Revolution to Civil War and Civil Rights.  Including all other countless battles where people died for believing that there can be a better way to live.  We owe these heroes our respect, honor, dignity, and appreciation.  Let us never forget!  Yes, indeed there are many of us mourning together today.  So while many of us will be grilling, sailing, and drinking keep our men and women in the military in your prayers.  They are risking their all in some very dangerous and hostile places. 

I don't want to take anything away from our military and that is why this is under a separate pragraph.  But there were many freedom fighters, poets, law enforcement officers and others that deserve our tribute, too!  Many are not famous at all.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Devil Is A Liar!

Accept the truth that Rep. Jim Clyburn is telling the truth that racism is part of the blame for President Obama’s political problems. The birthers never questioned John McCain. The Tea Party never needed to speak out against past presidents but they sure are now. What is getting these folks in an uproar is that the term racists is considered lower and worse than being called liberals. We must acknowledge that some “closet” racists are using smoke screens to say that they are against the President’s policies when in actuality that is what they are hiding behind. Yes, hiding behind his polices when they are able to confront their true fear which is this black man is one of the most powerful in the world. They need to come out of the closet and stop hiding behind excuses, computer screens, and places where their faces can’t be seen. The KKK used to hide behind hoods but at least they began to show their faces. President Obama has been criticized from drinking a Guinness Beer in Ireland to his walk. There have been polls taken every week on what he does. How much under the microscope do the media intend to keep this man? The owners of this conglomerate enjoy fueling the fires of hate because they still want him to fail. Perpetuating lies is part of the agenda for these folks. So what if they bend the premise a little to a lot. As long as it affects someone then the objective is completed. I understand this. What I still don’t understand is the same policies that the conservatives wanted to use before are now being rejected by them when the President wanted to use them. One example is Cap & Trade. Even part of the HealthCare Bill had Republican components. The Democrats on the left moved toward the right and the Republicans on the right moved further right. They would rather cast him as a liberal rather than state President Obama is a moderate. I’m sure you have noticed that anytime the term racist is used by a minority he is slapped with using the race card. I’ve always said this and I am still saying that this is a crock of bull dodo. Face the facts; there are still so many people that would love for black folks to be slaves again! These folks are still full of hate for whatever their reasons for hating blacks are. They feel black people has their place in society and it is definitely not as President of the United States. Have people forgotten Jim Crow days? Are do they want to bring those days back? Have they forgotten that some towns actually celebrated the hanging of a black person and had the whole family attend to witness the death of many innocent people? That very same feeling was passed down from generation to generation. Some people don’t even know why they hate. What’s worse some of these people are saying that happened in the past and we weren’t there. That may be true, but if the past is trying to repeat itself, we didn’t learn a damn thing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rest In Peace, Mr. Verne Buechel!

Verne Fredrick Buechel was born is Sacramento on November 11, 1943 and passed away at his home in Sacramento on May 4, 2011, after fighting a courageous battle of cancer. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, Albert & Charlotte Buechel, and his son Anthony Buechel. Verne is survived by and will be deeply missed by Linda Harvey, his long time companion, brothers; Dr. Sevron Buechel (Carol), Dale Buechel (Janey), his children; Donna Boyd, Theresa Bottino, and Tom Buechel, granddaughter Amber Bottino, and many nieces, nephews, and friends.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

40 Years and Counting!

Plina Celebrating 40 Years at NHTSA with the Director, David Strickland.
Plina has been with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) for 40 years and a wonderful person to meet!  She has counseled so many of us that worked in Fatality Analysis (FARS) and patiently steered us in the right direction.  Who knows what anyone goes through working with the same company for 40 years.  No different than the military, I suppose.  “P” is also a Delta.  What more can I say other than I wish her the very best that life has to offer.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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