Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama Got Osama!

Obama announcing that Osama was killed May 1, 2011

Obama announcing that Osama was killed  May 1, 2011
The area of a compound where it is believed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden lived seen in Abbottabad, Pakistan on Monday, May 2, 2011.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I've Got So Much To Give - Barry White

Can You Hear Me Now?

It’s interesting that Verizon uses the term “Rule the Air” and has an outline of the world with the radio tower on top.  I know that it’s a commercial and has a very catchy ring to it but to me, there’s a subliminal message.  I liked the “Can you hear me now?” ad.  It put Verizon on the map, maybe on top.  But, whenever I hear “Rule the Air”, I think of the Biblical meaning.  As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (Ephesians 2:2).  Yes, we have conformed to the ways of this world, mostly to be accepted.  I don’t think we “Christians” can handle persecution well.  Besides, its tough doing the right thing, isn’t it?  Look around, whenever someone wants to help another, they’re called a socialist or a do-gooder.  These are considered bad labels.  I’m digressing; let’s get back to ruling the air.  We don’t even realize that through modern technology, we are becoming brainwashed and controlled.  We want the latest gizmos to keep us on top of the game.  Yet, recently, it has become known that many of these smart phones are keeping track on us!  The cell phone towers signals map our locations but provide real improved functionality.  I refer back to the cell phone tower on top of the world in the logo.  Remember, I’m giving my own opinion, but so many opinions have been given on so many topics that people have taken them at face value rather than doing an in-depth study on the facts.  The bottom line is this!  Satan is running rampant in this world doing all that he can to cause us to fall away from God.  Whatever it takes to distract us from good and kindness, whenever we can hide behind these monitors and screens to spew our hatred towards others, we are doing what the deceiver wants.  Modern technology, progression is helping man, some of us are using it to take advantage of others.  I personally, question this connection.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Has Risen!

Happy Easter!  I'm beginning to see a trend during the holidays that peace and harmony towards our fellow man is becoming less and less.  Apparently, the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus Christ is not what people are thinking of.  The thought is what do I look like dressed in that outfit and what am I getting to make me look better?  We all know that the holidays are commercialized but are we also drifting farther apart from Christianity?  We are experiencing more hatred than ever towards each other.  And no one seems to admit it.  We speak of God and announce our religious beliefs but we sure don't seem to practice them.  What a bunch of hypocrites we all are!  Christ died so that we might live.  A father gave up his son to better mankind but what are we doing about it.  Accept the facts, Christ's death didn't mean much when he was crucified and it looks like it means even less now.  Those that do accept Christ has Lord and Savior will have to step up as examples.  Don't make a show of it, just do it!  Little by little, a difference can be made.  Christ has risen!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't Label People!

Tia D. is a guest writer.  She is an intelligent, vibrant, energetic, beautiful, young lady who believed that she wasn’t worth much.  She was told at a very early age as a child that she wouldn’t amount to anything and that everything she did was wrong.  She’s an adult who still believe that they were right.  I hope that she sees now that they were very wrong.  I asked her permission to display her thoughts here.  Eventually, Tia will use her creativity to start her own blog.   She has shown us all how well she can express herself.  There’s a lot more personal info about this young woman that I will not share.  She has endured quite a few hardships and disappointments.  Yet, she never gave up.  If you can’t believe in yourself who will?  We all have self-fulfilling prophecies either for ourselves or others.  We label children in schools all of the time.  They are placed in special education classes because they do not “fit” in with the others.  They are repeatedly told by adults that they can’t keep up and need to be placed elsewhere with others like them.  These children feel ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated.  Eventually they drop out and take the wrong direction in life.  Then society wonders was this a socio-economic problem or a cultural problem, another label.  You know what I’m talking about.  Another easy way out is to give these children medications, get them addicted and then screw up their minds.  Labeled or addicted, these young lives are ruined and even worse as adults.  I can’t stand labels unless they are positive and meaningful.  Teachers during my day didn’t take cop-outs sending you to special classes or requesting that you need sedatives.  They simply whipped our little behinds, told our parents that they did, and we got another one from home because we embarrassed our family.  Understand this!  Our parents had given them permission to cut our butts at the beginning of school year.  Those teachers believed in us and we did our best.  We had something in those days that many of these teachers do not have; respect for each other, the teacher and student.  Most of all, we had parents that loved and sacrificed their lives for their children.

A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0