Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tia D! Thank you!

**This blog entry, while omitting specific details is my most vulnerable yet. Please read with care.**
Up until recently, I held a strong resentment towards people who I considered to have had “life handed to them.” I was utterly jealous of them and sometimes even angry although they never knew it. Nearly everything in my life that I consider “worthwhile” I’ve had to go through hell to attain. Pretty much from day one (conception) the odds were against me. I always felt like the line between my life and death was very fragile. Personal mistakes were not learning experiences they were something to greatly fear. At a young age I subconsciously developed the motto: If it’s easy I must be doing it wrong. A motto that has no doubt followed me into my young adulthood. My whole life I’ve been told what I couldn’t do and what I would never be able to do…and I believed it. I’ve lived my life until recently believing I’d never amount to anything. I was so focused on my faults I was unable to fathom that I had gifts and talents. Sure many people told me I was gifted/talented but I denied it…and not out of humility. I just knew they were wrong!

The past few weeks I’ve been forcing myself to look back. At first the emotional pain was intensely overwhelming and at times very scary. In doing so, however, there was also great freedom. I realized that until I faced the crap behind me I’d never be able to see the possibilities before me which to my surprise really are endless.

So here I am just a few short weeks till I turn 23 discovering who I am…really. I call it my quarter life crisis. I’m done surviving life. I’m ready to thrive! With God for me who would dare be against me!? Sure, some days are downright brutal and I feel defeated but I am a survivor. No…I’m a fighter dangit! I will not give up!

That said, please join me as I prayerfully consider several specific future directions that in the past I had barely allowed myself think about. My whole life God has made the “impossible” possible. I expect nothing less in the days, weeks, and years to come! Gloria A Dios!!!

*Editors Note: I think Tia has come a long way! She is more confident of herself than ever.  There's a great deal of potential in this young lady.  I believe that she will find it, too!  Let's keep Tia in our prayers and each other.  Thanks againm Tia!  You Can Do It!

Can’t Make You Love Me – Various Styles – Same Meanings!

Tanks song is being rotated on the radio now.   No offense his fans but to me, he can’t come close to either of these people on this blog.  Don’t get me wrong, Tank can sing but I’m not sure he’s feeling it the way Bonnie, Nancy, and Will are feeling it.  There have been singers who tried to duplicate but these three takes us where we all had wanted “that” person to love us but wouldn’t.  We can’t claim broken-hearted if they never cared in the first place but we can feel “broken.”  For those of us that have that loved returned, cherish it and protect it.  Close your eyes, lay back, relax, and meditate.  I wish you well.

I Can’t Make You Love Me – Nancy Wilson

I Can’t Make You Love Me – Bonnie Raitt

I Can’t Make You Love Me – Will Downing

Why Not, We're On the Road To a Breakdown!

            In the current atmosphere, it’s a miracle that people haven’t completely lost their composure in their daily lives. The wave of ..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0