Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Keep Your Faith Upwards!

God is still in control despite the seismic shift in negativity!  Let's maintain our civility, regardless!

November 2, 2010 - A Day Of Irony!

When Obama was elected President, half the country celebrated and the other half was devastated.  Tomorrow morning, that feeling will be reversed.  How soon we forget because it doesn't matter who would have been elected, we would still have this major sand storm.  Even tomorrow, there aren't any resolutions at the top of the agenda except for making sure Obama is not reelected.  Well, if that is what's the Tea Party and the Ultras are all about, the voters for regress are going to be just as poor as me!  The newly elected officials are not looking out for the people's interests but their own.  I wonder who really lied to get the votes.  No one seems to be interested in bringing back jobs even if their name means jobs.  That's outsourced.  Forget education, folks, the dumber we are, the easier to be misled.  There doesn't seem to be an idea to generate revenue just more cuts.  Well, the more people unemployed, the less they will buy, then small businesses will fall.  What the hell will small business tax breaks do when no one can afford to do business?  But the big corporations will continue to make money from paying less taxes and making more trade deals.  Pitiful, just pitiful.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Less Than 24 Hours To Vote November 2nd!

Pay attention to those political ads, be informed, do your research and make an educated decision who to vote for.  Your vote counts!  Don't complain about who is elected if you don't vote.  And don't let bad weather stop you!  Bring God with you, He will always help, if you ask Him.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Harvest Fest!

Joyce - The Dead Bride Waiting
Mark the G-man rounding up the gang!
Brenda, Tiffany, Cheryl, Janice, Sharese!

Tiffany & Cheryl!

Brenda, Tiffany & Cheryl!

The G-man posing with Machine Gun Kelly & the gang!

Tiffany styling the Harlem Look!
Renaissance Woman!
Alice in Wonderland OJP Style!
Glenda, LT & Amy!

48 Hours Before Change!

November 2nd is Election Day!  We can either move forward or go backwards!  Vote for common sense and reason!  It might be hard to find any candidates that use those fundamental qualities but please vote!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Racism Is Over? Says Who?

High school students are hit by a high-pressure water jet from a firehose during a protest in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, as photographed by Charles Moore.

Bill Hudson's image of Parker High School student Walter Gadsden being attacked by dogs was published in The New York Times on May 4, 1963.

This is continuation of the previous entry.  When an Afro-American President was elected it meant to some people that America was ready for change and that it was the end of racial separation.  How can that be when there are still simple issues regarding just flying the Confederate Flag?   To some its a symbol of heritage and hate.   The flag shouldn’t even be an issue.  Illiteracy among teens and adults, teen pregnancy, unemployment, gangs, and just downright disrespect for the elders are serious problems, to name just a few.   In other words, we have a lot to overcome and fifty years since the Civil Rights Act is just not enough time.  Good and bad eggs come in every box.   Bad eggs always stink but you never know when you open the box.  You have to crack the egg.  Now sometimes you can get an idea that you have a bad egg(s) in the box and sometimes you can’t.  The stink is confined inside the shell.  But once the egg(s) face the heat from the frying pan, you’ll find out real quick.  There are good and bad people everywhere, we even work with some of them.  They can walk right by you and not say a word.  Sometimes, you might even hear a grunt but they can look right at you and not see you.  I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about.  I’m not saying these people are racists, this can happen within a race.  I am saying these people have issues far deeper than they would admit.  Maybe they’re miserable, unhappy, and just don’t like the life their living.  I’m willing to give them the benefit of a doubt.  But, there are some people who just don’t want to get along with others and would prefer that we all remain separate.  Personally, we all need each other.  You can’t make healthy meals without mixing the right ingredients.  We need each other to survive and accept the fact that our diversity can help our growth.  Many of us minorities have been poor all of our lives and were never taught how to spend our money responsibly.  You have to understand when we did get jobs our pay were less than our white counterparts and our loan payments and interest rates were much higher.  Let’s face it, inequality and racial biasness is rough.   I’m not making excuses, I’m giving an explanation.  And for some, once they do make a little money, they make frivolous purchases instead of paying the loans down and becoming more financially secure.  Who can our youth look up to?  Too many entertainers and athletes are spending their money on many purchases that are questionable.  Remember, it’s their money but it would help the community with educational purposes and at the same time be an example for these kids to manage their dreams for success.  I ventured off the subject because there is too much not to be ignored in our society today.  When will America come together as truly one nation under God?

Great Job Coach Prime!

     Let’s discuss something good and decent for a change. It may not be much, but it’s worth discussing. It may have some negative connotat...

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