Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Does God Exists? At Least For Me, He Does!!!
Man has been trying to answer this question for centuries. Scientists, biologists, and even politicians have thrown their hats in the ring. And now, don’t think I’m trying to enter the arena because I won’t. My question is, do angels exist? If you think angels exist and I’m sure that they do, then there must be a superior being who created them. If you think that none of the above exists then that’s your issue, not mine. I personally think that God and angels exist. Even our brightest scientists and doctors can’t figure out how the human body was formed and how it functions to survive. I’m not going to tackle this subject; I just want to bring attention to it. I saw the show, GLEE, “Grilled Cheesus” the other night and the writers approached this subject with fairness, sensitivity, and respect to believers and nonbelievers. Young people have their own opinions about spirituality not always the same that might have been handed down. Everybody wants to believe in something and/or somebody. We look for peace and truth in our lives to fulfill something. Many of us seek answers from our own personal God. At times, we seem doubt God but we’re actually doubt ourselves. We doubt our personal trust in God because we think that He’s not doing what we want Him to do. Either He’s not moving fast enough or it’s usually not the way we want Him to. Our trust and faith are constantly tested but they are strengthened by our patience in God. It’s not easy because we are so used to giving up without fighting back. That’s why so many of us are easily persuaded by others because we’re not strong enough. We have to accept the fact that we are weak and made strong by the grace of God who is our rock and salvation. God will have His way, in His time. But His decision will always be the right one. Well, now you see my position, I’m a believer.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
My Niece, Teria!
Teria sang "Summertime" when she was 13 years old! She recently won her school's talent show singing "At Last" by Etta James! You'll be hearing more from this rising star! Believe it!
The Road Seems Long & Lonely!
I don’t believe any of us are exempt from dealing with obstacles and personal situations in this life. It doesn’t matter the type because these bumps or mountains can range from being in relationships, beginning relationships, and ending relationships to everything else including but not always involving, mental, social, financial, religious and economic struggles. So, understand this, everybody deals with something and it depends on the effect the situation has on us. Some of us face the problem straight up, some find buffers to handle it, and some try to avoid the problem completely. What could have been handled immediately now festers and becomes a major issue that usually requires outside help because we couldn’t deal with it. In turn, we put the stress on the people that are close to us and if they can’t help, they are wrong and don’t care. The pot is now calling the kettle a pitcher. We don’t realize that the people we ask to help and can’t at the time just might be going through their own struggles, too. We’re so caught up that we become selfish dealing with our needs caused usually by our own actions that we neglect to think that we are not the only ones struggling. We all have good days and better days. Sometimes the very thing we hold so close and dear is the first thing that we lose. Our priorities can be attached to the wrong things. We have to learn to look at life in a more positive view. We need help to get us there. When all else fails, we call on the Lord and if the help doesn’t come in a timely manner, we’re disappointed. Keep in mind, we don’t usually think about God when everything seems to be running smoothly. We think that we don’t need Him and when we do He’s the last resort. We could always blame Him for these problems. And what have we learned? Maybe God doesn’t like us treating Him like a statute. Maybe He doesn’t appreciate being the third wheel. Maybe, He’s around us all of the time and don’t like being ignored. I believe that God wants us to develop a relationship with Him and get Him involved in our lives in everything that we do. I believe that He is always there for us but if we think negative all of the time we fail to see the positive and good in what we do. He wants us to know that even if we feel lonely, we are never alone. Don’t give in or up to despair or discouragement. Wait on the Lord! Trust Him! Let Him work His Will for us! It’s all about our attitude. I won’t push my beliefs on anyone. I struggle, too. But, I always got through. I know how I got through and who helped me get through it. Do you? Talk to Him, He will work you and He’ll work it out for you!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How Did I Get To This Point!!!
This is a subject I know nothing about but I feel a need to discuss it. My intention for this site was to be encouraging to others but mainly for me to express my thoughts as a kind of therapy. Sometimes the right word at the right time can help the right person. You never know who might need The Word when they’re feeling lost and depressed. I don’t know the reason why someone would take their own life. I don’t know what could cause them to feel that are a no longer a part of the grand scheme of things. But somehow they feel that they at this darkest moment have nothing to contribute to their life and the lives of the people who will be affected. I may never know them but in their indirect way, they will have an effect on me. That indirect effect is drawing me to write this entry. I feel that this is one of the most serious entries I’ve thought of. You see, I believe that God is in all of us. He has given us choices to do good or evil. Since God is love, He can only support the good in man. He cannot associate Himself with evil but in the midst of that severe darkness He is still there. In that darkness, we turned our backs on Him and chose the path of despair and depression. There are other reasons besides choices that cause some people to seek peace. There could be some major medical reasons, chemical imbalances, financial, finding love in the wrong places or getting played for love. Whatever has caused this lack of will to live was enough to tip the scales to death. It’s never too late! Don’t let things get you down to this level. Stop, think about what you’re about to do. In fact, think long and while you’re thinking call somebody. Call 911! Don’t waste your gift. You have more to contribute than you think. If I only reach one person, then this is worth it. Like I said, I don’t know much about this subject as with a lot of others but I have attached a few websites that may be helpful. I realize that this is my feeble attempt to approach the subject of suicide but this is a problem that should be addressed. I don’t know if it’s getting any attention until it hits close but it does have mine. I hope none of us encounter this struggle but do remember the websites for reference.
Below are a few links for help.
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