Supremacists don’t deceive yourselves by disguising racist thoughts publicly while secretly supporting racist actions. Step into the light and let your fellow church members see you. There is no need to hide anymore. You are not alone. You might recognize some of your church members. Then you can be comfortable knowing that you worship God in name only but serve a human demagogue. He seems to motivate you more than the God many others glorify. We can’t see Him, but we know He is here.
I have my ways, and I’m not perfect. I never thought I was superior to anyone, man or woman. Some people believe that they are. I was never raised to hate, but I did interact with hateful people who called me names and told me which fountain to drink water out of and to sit in the back of a bus. It must have been a wonderful time for you and your kind in those days because you have found a leader who wants the country to return to them. It seems that he has caused a divide that doesn’t seem repairable.
Trump supporters, MAGA, are former members of the Tea Party from the Obama Administration. The excuse they used not to want Obama was that he was going to take away their guns, and that was against their constitutional right. They weren’t interested in supporting a black man as President of the United States. Several Republican leaders made it a point at the offset never to support any bill Obama wanted to pass. They presumed that a Black President would support the Black population, give them powerful positions, take revenge on white people, and take away their entitlements to being white and, in other words, use Equal Rights from the Constitution against them. The nerve to say Racism is over was one of their biggest lies because a Black President was elected. The lies never stopped.
We all know that the Tea Party was renamed MAGA, Make America Great Again, by Trump to revitalize the hatred and violent resistance in America to divide the nation. A nation divided will fall for anyone. Thus, the partisan politics grew in that animosity and vitriol. He never showed his taxes or accounts, and the media ignored Trump’s indiscretions. Trump pushed for Obama’s birth certificate, education, and whatever he asked for, and supporters who owned the major news outlets kept it on the front page. Trump’s billionaire owners made sure of that. The Republican House is an embarrassment to the world. They didn’t get a thing done for four years except work on an unfinished wall and delay certification of the election.
When he wasn’t elected for a second term, MAGA rose against Congress by Trump’s urging that someone had to outcon him in the election process. It was the first historical uprising in America in the House of Representatives. Violence by so-called Patriots vandalized federal buildings and equipment. The Black Lives Movement had the military sent after them. In this case, the call for the military was delayed. Once again, moles that wanted to maintain the status quo and secrecy supported their leader. Lives were lost. America is falling apart, and the people are silent. Biden might have won because the people spoke out but were not pleased with his results. They reelected the vengeful leader and his crew, who were rewarded with positions because of their loyalty, not their skills or experience.
Reflecting on the future, I realize that words change more quickly than people do. Only acts of God can truly transform a person’s thoughts and actions. We’ve made enough excuses for our behavior—and sometimes for others. Instead of supporting someone's negativity, it's better to separate yourself from them and adopt a more positive mindset. I feel compelled to do this because, by the end of January, America will understand that God is still in control. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”