Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Keeping It Short

    I’ve been trying for months and am ready to give up on my search to add ads to my Google Blog. I am not technical savvy and do not understand the technical writings and explanations that Google uses. I feel disappointed and discouraged with all the obstacles in front of me. But, it has been rewarding to have this medium of writing. I may not have the graphs and scales who read my entries, but I am relieved I can express myself.


    I don’t write much or consistently. I write when I get a feeling about something that affects me. It’s easier to express myself in writing. It allows me to review what I expressed emotionally without causing too much misunderstanding and confusion. People will interpret what they want, anyway. Sometimes, just speaking, we can get too emotional in explaining our feelings about specific things. Our listeners might misinterpret what we meant and misunderstand our deliverance. The world is tense enough. Everyone seems to be on edge these days.


    It's disconcerting when I see some writers pour out their feelings, and their readers make disparaging remarks. Disrespect seems to be the norm these days, and kindness is lacking from those who hide behind the computer and on the streets. After the debate, expect to see more. Whatever is decided, I know that God is in control. I trust Him.


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