Wednesday, June 5, 2024

What's The Point?

            We all have our struggles and disappointments.  Sometimes, we felt discouraged enough that some of us were ready to throw in the towel.  But we didn’t.  Troubles and failures seem to overwhelm us emotionally to the point that they make us physically sick.  Sick enough to question if we were the only ones going through these painful sufferings.  Don’t use the words, “Can anything else go wrong?”  Yes, something else can go wrong.  Why does it seem we’re experiencing these fallouts when we should celebrate living?  There are many things we don’t know, especially our future.  We know that if we continue allowing frustration and discouragement to get to us, we will suffer more.  Some of us have channeled these emotional frustrations into anger at everything.  Look around you; feel the bitterness.  We do not realize our anger's impact on the people close to us.  Don’t call it selfish behavior if a person is ignorant.  It’s an excuse for themselves.  In some circles, it’s called denial.  Our anger is used as punishment.  If we’re careless, our self-inflicted punishment will destroy us and everything around us.


            As I look back on my life, I’ve been in worse situations, and the world around me is the same world around me now.  Somehow, I made it through by the grace of God and got past it.  Of course, trouble can materialize out of nothing.  I realized that with negative thinking, I can attract negative vibes.  I learned to stay away from negative people and their negative thinking.  Sometimes, we must release so-called friends and journey alone.  Those who are meant for us will also find a way to get together.  No one has said that life is easy, and not even the folks we think have it made.  Everyone has their share of problems, emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, politically, socially, and spiritually.  We are hard to be satisfied with what we have.  It’s never enough or what we expected.  We will always be discouraged and frustrated and will continue to struggle.  Remember that someone else always has it worse than we do.


            We should not ask ourselves what the point is; instead, we should ask what we can do about it.  What the end tells me is that what I’m going through is surrendering to the losses and suffering, which has no value in continuing.  It’s giving up on the principles that brought me through the challenges and adversities I fought through in life.  It’s me turning my back on God, who wanted me to trust in Him no matter what I face because He won’t leave me.  Yes, I’m disgusted with the members of Congress, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, nationally and locally.  I’m disappointed in Christians who have forgotten that God loves us all equally and we should love him first and foremost.  I can’t condone people ignoring the wrongs that this country’s politicians are perpetuating.  Nor can I accept the ignorance parents express by allowing their teens to follow social media, carry guns, and commit violent crimes.  I’m frustrated that people want to return to the past when racial inequality was thought to be acceptable in this country and suitable for the oppressed.  I’m disgusted that it’s okay to rewrite history and deny the truth for the sake of some peoples’ children.  It’s apparent from listening to the media, which controls information and misinformation on a grand scale that I am not the only person that feels this way.


 I’m told that our anger is secondary; there is an underlying source, but we know there is nothing we can do about that, so our anger is redirected.  These other objects we share our anger with reflect what we are mad about.  For example, I am angry with myself because of the decisions that got me into the wilderness in the first place.  I messed up, and it’s time to fess up.  The world didn’t do this to me.  I did it to myself.  People will always find ways to hate you, dislike you, or put you down and keep you under their will.  We don’t have to take it or stay there.  If we are weak-minded, then we shouldn’t expect any changes.  We must change for our sake.  We will need spiritual help to get it done.


            In the grip of our self-inflicted spell, we often fail to acknowledge the multitude of blessings inherent in this process. We must break free from the misguided belief that others or material possessions will rescue us. Our trust is often misplaced, and our focus wavers when emotions overwhelm us. It's imperative to center our thoughts. It's not about us; it's about Jesus. He can achieve so much with so little, as evidenced by multiplying two loaves of bread and five fish. We must believe in His capacity to help us, as He has done in the past and will do again. Despite my realist nature, I must wholeheartedly believe in His support.  Let's ditch this rollercoaster thinking and hop on the transformative thinking track!  We must not let hostile external forces influence our internal positive abilities. Summing up, the point is that we are valuable and will not give in to our adverse environments. Vote!

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