Friday, May 24, 2024

My Friend’s Prayer To God On Pentecost Sunday 2024!

Hello, Heavenly Father, please help me.  I am undergoing what you already know is a significant problem regarding my family.  Today is Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, my mother-in-law.  She has been here for about a week, minus a few days in the hospital.  My wife Sandy has been tending to her day and night, watching over her.  You already know that.  I need to speak to someone, but you are the Divine Counselor.  I learned on Pentecost Sunday that the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of God.  The fruits of the Holy Spirit are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.  Holy Father, I am grateful to have learned these gifts promptly.  But you already know that my current problem is finding understanding and counsel.  They seem to clash with my self-control and patience when they involve Sandy.


I know it's a lot of the stress from her job that is giving her so much anxiety and depression.   The blame is also on me.  I haven’t helped much this past week with my own complaining and pointing fingers.  I do feel better now that her mother had stent surgery.  We finally got to the source of her pains, heart palpitations.  I know I've told Sandy so many times about enabling her mom.  This time, it got the best of me.  I was very frustrated, fixated, and angry.  I thought my wife was being taken advantage of.  Lord, you know I need somebody to talk to.


I believe her mother heard me discussing this concern because Sandy was supposed to take her home on Monday.  We should have done it Saturday, but Sandy said no, her mom wasn’t looking any better.  Her mom decided to go home on Sunday.  Both are picky eaters, and they need food for strength.  None of them have eaten a decent breakfast these days; they feel they don’t need breakfast.  You have been telling me for a while now that having a solid breakfast is good because you never know what an emergency can be. And we won't have time to eat.  They have gotten into that habit but don't see it that way.  You got me through this, Lord.  You were here with me the whole time.  Friday morning, I had to take Sandy to the emergency room for her heart palpitations.  After so many tests and blood draws, she was diagnosed with Pericarditis. Something about some of the skin flaps around the heart had swollen and got infected.  Sandy wasn't healthy enough to help anyone, and both needed recovery time.  And there was no one else that Sandy felt that she could call, not even her mother's sister.


I want to thank you, Father, that while we were at the hospital, you cared for her mother by herself here in the house.  I'm glad I did go when you sent me with her to the emergency room because even though we spent six hours at the hospital, Sandy did not eat or drink any liquids.  After all that time, the doctor gave her some oxycodone and some Motrin on an empty stomach.  Sandy wouldn't have been able to drive herself home.  Anyway, I give you all the thanks, O Heavenly Father.  I want to thank you now.  Even though Sandy said she changed her mind and would take her mother home Monday, her mom wanted to leave Sunday.


In a way, I feel bad, but Father, I thank you. Because you answered my request for counsel, wisdom, and understanding.  I am to trust in you in all things.  You are in control.  Sandy was going to try to take her after a workday.  They're not breakfast eaters, so Sandy's mother might have heard when I said, Baby, you can't even take care of yourself, and now you're trying to take care of your mom.  She expects you to do this and do that for her.  I'm clashing between wisdom and understanding again with a need for self-control of my tongue and patience.  Father, I don't feel wrong about what I said.  Sandy needs to take care of herself, whether mom heard me or not.  I know you give us all these challenges, and the main thing is that you want us to lean on you and Father, thank you for letting me lean on you this Friday. I was lost. I wanted to call somebody. I wanted to release all this frustration; I could not hold this in.   I know Sandy loves her mom, and I respect that, but the mom had done so much self-pitying that it seemed the only person who would pay her any attention was Sandy.  I would do the same for my mom.  Am I that selfish?


Sandy will stop whatever she is doing, take her to the doctor or hospital, and sit with her all day. I told Sandy before all this occurred that 75% of her stress, anxiety, and weight loss is due to her job, 12% is due to her mother, and another 13% is me.  My self-control and mouth clash with patience because I can't hold it in.  Forgive me, Lord; I need your counsel and wisdom. Thank you for letting me have this conversation with you, Father.  You know my weaknesses and my flaws. You are always listening to me.  I feel guilty because her mother is serious this time. 


Sandy drops everything when she calls, and it sounds like the little boy who called Wolf.  Now that this woman truly needs her, I don't have any sensitivity or sympathy for her mom. I do now, but I'm more sympathetic to Sandy because of what she's going through now. She once said she wanted to rest today but didn't get any rest.  I am grateful to you for being our father. Whether her mother heard me or not, or whether she decided to stand on her own, she made the right decision to begin her healing process.  I hope Sandy doesn't come home worried because she will have plenty of space to rest, relax, and meditate on you. After all, it's hard to face Monday “fires” after she was off on Friday for the past couple of days to return to her job, and you know it will be all kinds of emails.  There will be missed calls and pressure on this and pressure from that, and it's already stressful enough that she would need at least a night of relaxation.  I need to be thinking about having her something to eat in the mornings. She needs the strength to go through all this.  I must repeat these seven gifts of the Holy Spirit because I need them. I need them.  Wisdom, Oh Lord, you know I need that with understanding.  There's so much that comes under understanding. To me, sympathy and empathy are just being sensitive.


The Holy Spirit is the divine counsel we need to fortify my strength in you.  Lord, knowledge, and holiness, I understand that I must always be Christ-like, remembering that you give and take away everything in Sandy and me.  Out of respect and reverence, we should fear You.  You knew us before we were born.  Do I listen to or pay attention to the fruits: charity, joy, peace, and patience?  Charity is love, but that's giving. There is generosity, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and trust in you, Heavenly Father.  Modesty, being humble and self-control who runs their mouth discipline and chastity, but Father, I thank you.  God, I thank you.  I thank you for the lessons you're teaching us and the lessons we're learning.  Thank you, because you have helped me, and it is a relief.  I know Sandy will be at her mom’s house for hours.   Her mom's going to stay temporarily downstairs.  Sandy will make everything accessible for her.  How many people are blessed to have a child like that?  That will take care of her even though her brother, her brother's baby Mama, and her aunt won’t.  It seems they don't care for her except to avoid each other. She doesn’t need to babysit.  She's legally blind.  Her mother also needs to be around people, I think to me, the other problem is loneliness.  Whether she wants to or not mingle with others, I think it’s essential. Father, I thank you for the moments that you've given me with you and Sally, and I appreciate it.  Please help me with my self-control.  Trying to tame this tongue of mine is going to be tough.  I thank you for your grace and blessings, Lord.  I submit my petitions to you with praise and thanksgiving in Jesus’s name.  Amen.


Note: My friend was hurting that day.  He’s doing much better after accepting the things he cannot change and reconciling with himself.  He said not with his mother-in-law but reconciling with God and himself.  He also wanted me to share his thoughts on this blog.  I have his permission to do this.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ephesians 6:12. So Many Versions That Mean The Same Thing!

             I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.  I understand that these elected politicians see what I see.  But where are the police?  I remember the Black Lives Matter protests had more police and white militia that were overlooking them, but where are they on these white college campuses?  Could it be that on these college campuses, the trigger-happy and club-carrying enforcement would confuse the children of the trump supporters as activists vs patriots?  Maybe it’s hard to see the differences in some of the tanned students apart from the supporters is more complicated than all-black supporters.  It could be that orders from higher-ups told them to stand down.  When the BLM tried to explain that outside agitators were the sources of violent protests, no one believed them.  Regarding the recent protests in Gaza, it was found that the students had outside agitators, yet some of the tent cities stayed up. 

 I will say that the Trump supporters are in New York supporting the Head Liar and kissing the ring that they don’t have time to care about what’s happening on the campuses because they are antisemitic until it comes to black deans and presidents leading Ivy League campuses.  They are bold with their biases and don’t care who sees them.  The voting districts have been rigged that these folks will be reelected without trying.  They are obeying people’s agendas who are not their constituents.  Mike Johnson, the current speaker of the House, is an evangelical and one of Trump’s surrogates.  My, my, my.  I guess some folks will sell their souls to the devil no matter what.  He’s not the only one.  Tuberville, Jordan, Comer, Margorie, and Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas love the perks.  They must have found the fountain of youth or the secret to immortality.  They seem willing to do whatever it takes to appease their supreme human.  It must be the lifestyle of the rich and famous that has blinded them all.


            There is something intrinsically wrong with the politics and leadership of our nation.  Wrong is acceptable and being ignored.  How many people have been convicted of fraud and are now in jail?  Quite a few millionaires are paying for their wrongs, but this former president’s illegal behavior is accepted among his peers.  Rules are written for some people and only followed by some people.  His flunkies believe that he is above the law.  They believe in him more than God.  Incredibly, the Christian evangelicals are supporting his white power scams to divide this nation.  They know this but will accept Trump is power-mad and vindictive.  His Inside agitators are working to disinform, discredit, and deceive the people of this nation into accommodating dictatorship while the true believers stand by and do nothing.  The modern-day KKK is once again using intimidation and fear tactics to frighten the righteous.


            When will we learn that greed has no friends?  Money doesn’t discriminate; people do.  Very few politicians are willing to meet in the middle across the aisles.  I have not seen Republican candidates show any interest in people who look like me or care for my interests.  I think that they are afraid to address the truth.  They are not much different from the Democrats, whom I don’t see or hear from until election year.  Family values are disappearing.  This country needs Jesus, but we have too many excuses to ask for His help.  Some of us would instead pray to someone or something else.


            We all get caught up in who’s who and who is with or against us.  I am caught up, too.  I forgot that we argue against the spiritual forces of evil and the powers of this dark world we are living in.  They have possessed our weak minds and spirits to turn against each other.  Where we find hate and disagreement, we should look for love and compromise.  Divided, we fall; united, we rise.



Sunday, May 12, 2024

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. What powerful human beings you are!! Thank you for your sacrifices. We appreciate your grace and patience. Much love!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

This, Too, Shall Pass!

            I admit that living is complicated, but it’s all we have.  At least, we have several opportunities to improve it.  Nothing can be done after dying.  I wouldn’t know, but I haven’t heard anyone returning to forewarn us.


            Once again, another friend of mine is in hospice.  The older I get, the more losses I experience.  Captain Tom was my shipmate whom, after 40 years or so, I got in contact with regarding my mental concerns.  While sailing across stormy waters, we lost a fellow shipmate during the hurricane.  I was on duty in the pilot house and on the 1MC.  The captain had me announce that all men remained inside the ship's skin due to the weather conditions.  No one needs to go on deck to see how it looks.  We could see the 30-40 feet swells and white-capped waves from the pilot house.  The ship was fighting to stay on course.  A few shipmates didn’t listen.  Two did go outside, and one was washed overboard.  The swells had moved us away from the sailor, and it took some time for the ship to come about.  When we located him, the swell picked the boat up and dropped it on top of him.  He was struggling but alive, not afterward.  


Bob Uecker & Captain Tom

            I have always carried the blame but was able to shelve it in the background of my mind.  It did not surface until I was appointed the head of the veteran program in a homeless shelter.  I had always wondered why I was so edgy and distrustful of people.  My wife had me go to the VA to find out.  I was diagnosed with PTSD.  After 40-plus years, I finally realized the truth.  When I got out of the Navy, I thought it was high blood pressure and other health issues.  We never thought to look at my state of mind.  Now it’s too late.


            I searched for Tom on Facebook for the name and dates of the tragic event. I’ve never been a fan of social media. I found him and a couple of other shipmates, and we sorted it out. He spent 38 years in service and was quite a journalist.  Since then, we have maintained correspondence for the past two years.  We shared some pictures of our families and discussed retirement and traveling.  He was so proud of his family and their accomplishments.  Most of all, his grandchildren were the ones who controlled his heart.  He bragged about his wife Diane, who has been his anchor and soulmate throughout his journey.  They took more ocean cruises than I could count.  It was an annual event with them.  I remember they had to stay in New York under quarantine during Covid because he caught it.  He didn’t have the virus, but he was around someone who did, not his wife, but they had to remain separated from others.


            In our conversations, he told me that he did have cancer and was receiving treatments.  He would still go on cruises but took the shorter ones whenever the doctor permitted.  He never gave up or let it get him down.  He remained positive the entire time.  The treatments did exhaust him, but he never stopped journaling.  Tom was involved in several community-based programs helping people and was a member of several rotary, local, and national clubs.  I tried to contact him again, but I’m sure Diane is shielding him and making preparations.


            I am sad but blessed to have known Tom.  He was authentic, not a fake representation of a man with integrity and honesty.  Like many folks who have suffered physically, he will not be hurting when he’s called home.  Tom left an impact on many of us.  He’ll be missed mourned, but never forgotten.  This, too, shall pass.  While we are still living, we don’t need to make any excuses why we can’t change.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0