Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Losers and Suckers!!

            I read a post in a local neighborhood newspaper regarding voting last week.  The author, a veteran, wanted all veterans to vote “blue” “since “45” thinks we’re suckers and losers.”  Another veteran responded by paraphrasing that all veterans are conservative and will always vote as conservatives and not as Liberals.  Therefore, to me, he indicated that all veterans are suckers that will support people who will call us losers and suckers and disgrace those that gave their lives for this country or were caught as prisoners of war.  What he didn’t say was voting for people who support Russian ideals, attacking democracy, and dividing America is a benefit for those in Congress who want to stay in power.


Naturally, the veteran’s response was subjectively given.  He did not consider the racial injustices that many minority veterans were subjected to and how they might have felt returning to America and not being accepted in local cities as patriots who survived the war and faced hometown discrimination as if nothing had changed.  He won’t know the injustices and prejudices minorities underwent because he wasn’t mistreated like one.  Either he doesn’t know military history or never tried to learn it.  He sounds like someone who hasn’t shared the experiences minorities had.  This person must have forgotten the Tuskegee Syphilis Studies or how the U.S. Army hung 97 black soldiers, members of the Buffalo Soldiers in 1917 at Fort Houston because they defended themselves against a mob of white men who attacked them.  Let’s move the time up to Vietnam, where minorities still did not want to serve but were placed on the front and take the full assault of the enemy to buffet their fellow soldiers or be the first ones in the tunnels. There are many more instances, past and present, but I hope someone understands.

I’m a veteran and will not have allegiance to anyone I cannot trust.  As for my politics, I support candidates with similar ideas for this country with the best interest of all Americans in mind.  I support those not afraid to speak out against injustices, lies, and wrongs that divide this nation.  I support those who support the military in every possible way and do not humiliate them. I am realistic enough to know that money counts for every campaign, but I respect those not controlled by it.  They made the same pledges to this country for their office as we veterans.  Some of us kept them.


This country, as we write, has so many homeless, unemployed, uninsured veterans who are not in any political conversations unless it’s voting time.  Veteran discussions come up only during Veterans Day and campaigns.  I feel, at times, that minority veterans are the lost voices in America.  Returning to the veteran’s response, he doesn’t know how other veterans feel, especially those with dishonorable or bad conduct discharges who are disqualified from receiving medical services from the VA.  He does not represent me.  Yes, I was conservative at a time when bipartisan politics worked for this country and did not waste time infighting.  I still am. However, I choose not to follow the herd blindly. I’m keeping my ears and eyes open, and I will not sleep on bull s###.

Monday, February 5, 2024

American Fiction Review!

I’m not a movie critic, but I will say that the movie “American Fiction,” from my perspective, used the truth as a satirical comedy.  This past weekend, my wife and I went to the Nickelodeon Theatre and discussed how the writer and actors managed to get their point across to people who are ignorant of what people of color deal with daily.  It’s a tragedy the way some people stereotype others so much that they will believe every story told to fit their ideal description.  What is harmful to all of us, to me, is that the more lies a person tells, the more the other person will believe.  


The more exciting someone’s life is, the more it’s acceptable.  Society gives a person’s life a rating.  You’re either dull or exciting.  Even that is approved on whether your situation is extreme enough to be noticeable.  We see this on internet influencers.  People will pay to view another person’s life.  We’ve also seen this pretense work with some rappers who have never experienced the raw life on the streets from those who have lost hope.  Some rappers have college degrees and two-parent families and live a sheltered life but are still lonely and lack attention.  It’s all about the money.  I’m not pitting anyone against the other or categorizing a section of people.  I’m just attempting to understand the nuances and idiosyncrasies we all have.


Keeping this article brief, my wife pointed out a subtlety I overlooked.  Underlying the principles were two primary themes.  The strong and responsible person is the one dying early if they rest.  They carry the burden of an entire family and their own, while others expect them to and are never noticed by others about their problems.  Sadly, the strong pays a price for leading.  Is this why people won’t accept responsibility because they worry and will always be considered the strong, responsible family member?  Everyone dumps their decisions and life choices on them whenever they can.  Who will take care of the parents?  Who will be accountable for making life-changing decisions?  Who will sacrifice their life for the rest?  Some family members are silent and invisible when an important decision needs to be made.  But find ways to contact the strong ones when they need some help.


The other theme is setting ourselves apart from others.  Some of us don’t want to be attached, and we push them away.  I am not sure if it’s about being introverted or just enjoying a solitary life where emotions don’t have to be shared with others.  Maybe fear of being attached to someone who might leave will affect them mentally and physically.  We don’t take the time to relate to or understand others because that leads to attachments, which lead to relationships and vulnerability, which can lead to deception and being foolish.  Some people aren’t aware of this feeling and live alone, being so comfortable that they can’t recognize true love when it appears.


“American Fiction” opened my senses and reminded me of my experiences.  It made me see myself, and I’m not happy about my faults.  Yes, we have some family members and friends like those in the movie.  Yes, some of our family and people can be irritating and get on our nerves.  All human beings experience some turmoil in the family.  We all hurt and feel sad about any losses.  Regardless of our color, we are one giant, unhappy family who don’t have the time to hate each other for their color, which we are not responsible for.  All families disagree and may not always get back together, but if we open our hearts and minds to the bigger picture, we can see that God is and will always be our Father.  We’re just one big dysfunctional family.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Foolish Heart!!!

    I find myself acting foolishly even after all these years. I still need to change my approach to reading the news objectively.  I manage to keep my emotions under control most of the time, but lately, I get angry and disgusted with the news I read. It's difficult to remain impartial when the news is written with an obvious bias.  I am addicted to keeping up with current events, even if it has me continually being negative about my surroundings.  It’s a battle to avoid these complicated, technical viewing apparatuses. We need telephones, TVs, and Alexa devices to keep up with the weather and the rate of change in the world around us.  Lord, please bless my foolish heart.  I can’t get through this mess without you. The World needs peace of mind, not turmoil.


Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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