Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The More We Have, The More We Want!

            What makes matters worse is that we aren’t satisfied with what we already have and we want more!  We want it because we can, and the next question is how much we will use it and its effect on us.  When will we realize how much we are blessed to be able to get it?  Some things may be beyond our reach, but we will try anyway.  Persistence, sacrifice, selfishness, greed, stubbornness whatever might drive us, we won’t rest until we get it.  Even after accomplishing our objectives, I’m not sure that it satisfies.  Speaking for myself, I get a little disappointed.


 If I use faith, would I ignore my thoughts to believe that God provides, or is it faith in our own ability to obtain our desires?  We can be hypocrites and not know it or maybe we do know and won’t admit it.  The truth is even though we think we own something, it’s temporary we can’t take it with us.  We pile up things that one day someone else will use. Whether it’s of sentimental or monetary value, it won’t matter.  Someone will enjoy the fruits of our labor.  Yes, there might be a legacy but over time that will change, too.


Some of us believe in a higher power and it doesn’t matter what you name it.  We know that there is something greater than we are and all-powerful.  We know by our ailments and issues that some things are beyond our control and we are here on this earth forever.  Even the centenarians we know are ready to leave this place.  Who are we to fulfill our desires and wants?  We hardly know what we need.  Our wants can dominate our needs therefore causing us to ignore what we really need.  From my standpoint we need Jesus.


We live in a society where the more we have is an expression of who we are.  It creates a façade questioning what status level we’re on, leaving those who don’t know us to think we achieved our dreams.  Whereas, if don’t pay as we go, we become so deep in debt that we aren’t happy and find comfort in buying things that we hardly use to continue being who we are not.  To me, that’s why some people are so miserable who we thought “made it.”  Everyone likes nice things but have the wisdom to know what it takes to get it.  Wise folks will make the sacrifices and get it done so that they can rest peacefully.  They not taking from one area in their cache to pay in another area.  They have found balance in their lives.  I believe we can all do that.  


St. Paul said “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13 NIV

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