Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Don't Let the Neanderthals Get To You!

            I had a very pleasant Labor Day Weekend.  People everywhere I went were kind and cordial, which was surprising.  I didn’t go to many places, but when I went to the grocery stores, I was greeted, and even in department stores, I was acknowledged.  I entered a battery store for my watch and was greeted and helped.  I thought of the song “Today Was a Good Day” by Ice Cube.  Even the streetlights were in my favor.  Heavenly Ham made my ham sandwich precisely the way I wanted.  I have to say that most of the people that I crossed paths with were considerate.


            All was well until I took my wife to Cracker Barrel for lunch.  Most humans hold the door for each other when they see another party following them into an establishment.  Out of respect for the woman, we usually hold the door until we see the man, if he is with her, reach for the door.  After all, we hold the door for our women, why not be considerate to others?  In this case, “Dorq,” the Neanderthal (I didn’t want to give him any name), waited until my wife got to the door to walk away.  My intuition told me that “Dorq” was not a human and moved quickly enough to catch the door in time before it closed in her face.  Either he wasn't aware that she was behind him or didn't care, I was prepared for a resolution.  Instead, my wife told me to let it go in such a way that I was not going to ruin her afternoon.  However, I watched closely where we were going to be seated because I did not want to be near “Dorq.”


            After a pleasant lunch, since it was a beautiful day, we went to the Riverfront to walk off the wonderful meal and my ire.  I felt 100% better after our 4-mile walk.  Yes, I still had a good day.  People will be who they are.  Don't let one "Dorq" ruin a good day.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0