Sunday, November 27, 2022

We Will Meet Again, Some Day!

This platform has been a great place to air my thoughts for several years.  It was my therapy.  Even though I knew people were not reading the blogs, it still gave me relief.  I wasn’t looking for any compensation anyway.  Soon it will be changed whether I like or not under new management.  Management that I can’t afford.  It’s not easy to navigate around technical language and the instructions to convert so I will say my farewells now.  


I started in 2007 like a hungry lion but ending in 2023 as web-weary warrior.  All in all, this was also a great place for good byes that I never had a chance to say and a way to let my loved ones know that they are never forgotten.  Thank you, Google, for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts.

Farewell, Brother Allen!

Allen Singleton Davis Sr. transitioned to heaven on Wednesday night October 12, 2022 at Anderson Medical Health Medical Center.  He was born January 19, 1951 in Anderson County to the Late Bernelle Singleton Davis and William (Bill) Davis Jr. Allen leaves behind cherished memories for his wife of 50 years Geneva Thompson Davis, to this union three children were born: Lititia Sharea Heriot, Allen Singleton Davis Jr. (Kimberly), Chee Tony Mandrell Davis (Marissa), one god-son, Dale (Kristie) Herron, one sister Qualma Green (Ralph), Two brothers: Leon Davis, Quinton Eugene Davis (Virgina) 13 Grandchildren: Armani, Shomari, Durand, Lyric, Zentaye, Rekeem LaRae, Caleb, DeAnna, Octavius, Zhakiyah, Jaleel, Lucinda. 3 Great Grands: Princeton, Adrian, Peyton, along with many more aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, and friends. 

Allen was also a good friend since our childhood days.  He will never be forgotten.  We wish his family well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day is Here!

 I voted! Whether the people I voted for wins, I hope, will depend on how many others voted for them.  At least, we will find out tomorrow.  This evening will be a cliff hanger and it will be no need to stay up waitng for the results. We will soon find out what America wants. I pray the polls, absentee and mail-in votes are honest and accurate, as well as, the US Post Office getting them in on time. It is out of our hands now. I'm putting mine faith in the Lord. Thanks to all who will and have voted. Americans have experienced enough anxiety already.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Do Not Miss This Moment, Vote!

The time is here and the time is now.  Vote!  Vote as if everything you hold precious for your family and lives depend on it.  Vote for correction, straighten what has been crooked and vote because it is a right that freedom gave to the lives it took.  America was built on the backs of immigrants fleeing from dictatorships and unrighteous governments and took the lives of slaves from their homelands.  People from all races were used for the benefit of the wealthy to get wealthier.  Have the Asian population forgotten internment camps during WW2?  Have the Cubans forgotten why they fled?  Did the Latinas people forget how they escaped borders and settled for a new life in America?  Most of all, did BIPOC forget how they lost friends, families and leaders from hateful, terrorist acts from the very descendants that parents fled from their own European countries?  Have we forgotten that there is power in numbers?  Have we all forgotten the Living God that can give and take away?


We don’t want to vote or don’t research who to vote for or don't care until it affects us.  Vote for the people that have a history that has shown they care, not for the sweet, deceitful speech you recently heard.  Wake up people.  This society isn’t as woke as some would have you think.  If they did, we would see more changes than what have not occurred in the since 2017.  Our politicians have done nothing but disagree along party lines since they were elected.  Even before then, the Republicans did all they could to hinder then President Obama’s policies.  The seeds were sown to divide the country and change voting rights.  I’m not ranting, I’m just tired of the political joisting which party is better.  I just want the elected officials to work for the best interests of this country as a whole. It is time for the silent majority to be heard through their voting.  Let's get their these officials attention.


Those same descendants that fled oppressing countries also had racial problems in them.  That seed has never left.  Now they are leading a democracy, a free country that has intertwined those same racial beliefs of superiority in the laws and institutions that they lead.  We are in the year 2022 and those changes of equality for all have not happened.  If these governing bodies are trading their souls for power and authority, in the long run, no American will ever see change in growth and equality.  Color is used as a fear tactic when needed.  During election years, we see more of it to support the racial views.  Instead of voting for reform in education, housing, physical and mental health insurance and equal pay for women and people of color, those in office rather find ways to disagree on everything if it’s not in favor of who donated the most in their campaigns’ best interests.


What is wrong with reforming gun laws?  Who spinned the lie that the government is trying to take away the right to own weapons?  If someone took the time to establish the second amendments right as being taken away, they will they ever find the value in the 14th amendment?

In the Constitution, it states that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  It was intended to undo the southern states attempts to limit free slaves in the political and social arenas using coding and other deceitful methods.  Doesn’t seem like much has changed since then.  The way looks longer getting there.


In 1963 in front of the United Nations, Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie said: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes.”  Meanwhile, the nation is facing children and teachers are being shot in schools, racial unrest, political unrest, women’s rights, equal pay, opioids epidemics, Covid pandemics, climate change, earthquakes and an assortment of issues that are not discussed.  These efforts not to address the critical race theory and to rewrite the nation’s history, instead of admitting the wrongs towards the BIPOC, even legitimizing slavery and the humiliation humans felt are disgusting and shameful.  I see little no respect for the police including each other.  Yet, our politicians turn away, there’s no money in peace.


I repeat, please vote.  Remove the fake gestures, despite our differences, we need each other for each other.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0