Friday, October 4, 2013

Day Three of the Government Shutdown!

What can I say?  Americans are held hostage by fellow Americans.  Rather than move forward towards progress, a few elected ultracons, backed by extremely rich folks, would rather keep everyone in the past.  It is amazing that if one lies enough, others will believe it as the truth.  Faux News is not telling the truth so they always resort to blame the liberal media.  I thought liberal meant being free, understanding and humanistic.  I guess aliens of some sort invaded that network.  It is a shame that they believe their own deceitful and divisive language.  It goes to show that everyone has a price.  Americans are still losing their jobs. The shutdown takes away even more from the economy.  No more visits to the Whitehouse and parks can not be worse than people being fed, losing their income and receiving healthcare.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0