Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Down & Dirty Election Year!

People, I’m not good at predictions so I will say this. This election year has the potential to be very bitter & nasty. The proof is already evident. Job killer, be-American, not-Amerian, liars, felon, and other names are just a few uncivil terms being used. It doesn’t matter if an apology is offered, the seeds were planted.  Do whatever it takes to distract people away from the main focus of this campaign.  Opponents can point out the problems with leadership but can’t offer any solutions.  You hear quite a few nasty things that are said about this particular President because too many people say these same things behind closed doors.  Minorities are supposed to know their place, correct?  No need to say that this is the worse election ever because each time they get worse. I still say that one of the primary reasons that the past presidential election and this one has brought out the worse in our leaders. I wonder if it is because there is a black man running for the highest position in the country/world, the President of the United States. Say what you will, first of all, no one took it serious that this man was going to win. Secondly, since he did win, the politicians didn’t want to compromise for the good of all Americans. They would rather block what he does to help middle-class Americans and protect the super-rich, job creators. At least, if they denounce and reject him there won’t be a second term. The money behind these selfish people is controlling them. The money is extremely deep and SCOTUS has passed the law that there is a no limit on corporate campaign spending. Our elected officials are bought and paid for.  Safeguards against politicians taking undisclosed payments in exchange for peddling particular interests are now in place.  Did I mean “peddling particular interests”, you figure it out.  Millions of dollars are pouring in on these campaigns.  If  it's that much money out here why aren't they using the money for creating jobs or using it constructively to help those that need help?   It’s remarkable to me how people believe that if it took years to gain weight, they expect to lose that same weight in a few days or months. It doesn’t work that way. The economy took years to get into this hole and it will take years to get out of it. President Bush didn’t put the wars on the books but President Obama did to include it in the national debt. Now he is the villain, because the country is in so much debt. What’s wrong with this picture? How can he do his job when these politicians won’t budge? How much money did the ultras cost the taxpayers repealing the ACA? Was that mentioned on conservative media platforms?

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0