Monday, June 11, 2012

Mind Twisters

You have to wear mental protection when you read some of the nasty crap that some people are spitting out. Tomorrow, June 12, 2012, is South Carolina’s Primary and the US Justice Department stated that there will be people monitoring the polls in a couple of SC counties. It’s already a joke since almost 200 candidates were removed from primary ballots across the state. Now who or what party is responsible for this? The blame should be spread across the board. One party will cut off its nose to spite its face and the other that doesn’t have the stones to stand up. It’s a cluster bent season, election year and we should expect all of the vermin and roaches to come out. I just had to show this comment from Mike in SC regarding the Feds monitoring the polls. This isn’t a brain teaser, it is a mind screw.  To top it off, nearly 300 polling places won't open Tuesday due to no candidates on the ballot.

Mike: "Because we'uns here in tha Confederacy haven't let them negroes vote for decades! pfft. Meanwhile the national black panther party stands outside polling places in Philadelphia with batons. AG Holder chooses not to press charges against them. Then he sues the state of Florida for trying  and its coming from the federal gov't."  A comment from the US Justice Department link.

I don’t see this as a joke because I don’t know this person but if this is the actual way this person thinks. What do you expect from others?  I heard that you can't fix stupid.  But what do you do about ignorance and fear?

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0