Friday, September 11, 2009

The Agony and Disrespect

The agonizing reality of Congressman’s Wilson absolute disrespect for the president of the United States and the total lack of respect for the office he holds implies that Mr. Wilson does not even respect the man as an equal. What Mr. Wilson has managed to do, whether it was his intent or others, was incite that part of society that will accept the fact that a black man was elected. His qualifications mean nothing to them. They still see the color of the man rather than his character. Mr. Wilson can accept the dishonor of making parts of that negative society now fashionable since it no longer has to hide behind sheets and pillowcases. Thank God not everyone feels the same way. There is good and bad in all races. What I hear is that “just because I disagree with Obama’s policies, doesn’t make me a racist.” You are right! But don’t use that phrase to distract me, either. I don’t see a problem when people disagree, but when not allowed to discuss their views by shouting over them and disrupting a peaceful setting for the sole purpose of distracting the truth, is disrespectful and rude. This is a clever ploy by special interest groups to pollute and distort the facts that can help fellow Americans. That’s right, I said subversive. These are dissident, rebellious folk who cannot accept a black president and want the country to return to good old days where minorities knew their place. The culture of the extreme ultra-right and left are not the only ones that carry guns. The use of fear and intimidation is still effective on the less fortunate. But, there is a new generation that will not carry on the divisive customs of years gone by. They can’t see that whatever we adults do will affect them in the future. I might sound negative to you but I’m not. I am disgusted and appalled that even now in 2009, prejudice and discrimination is alive and still accepted by some. All of this mess is on the heels of a major controversy about the president telling kids to stay in school and learn. Some folks were so concerned about him possibly feeding their minds on his political agenda that they kept their children out of school. How ironic, the president told them how important it is to stay in school. Our children need to be educated to compete in this world market. Let’s keep the jobs here rather than outsource them. At least, give the children a chance to compete. Education is the key and some people know this. It can take you to a different level in society. Uneducated people, unfortunately, do not have those chances for good jobs and pay, thus, remain in low income areas. Which case in turn becomes government dependent. This is what this president sees. He knows education can strengthen America. People would read more and get involved with the community. The more educated means you can make your own common sense decisions and not be led by others simply because they say so. This president has fought every day since he’s been in office and no one from the right has given him any credit at all. From my perspective, if they did, it would be an admission that the president is doing something right and they’d rather see America destroyed before they admit it. Our state (SC) has more than enough problems but our focus is on the governor and now the congressman. Why aren’t our elected officials looking out for the citizens of this state? They want the votes so bad they are willing to neglect the whole than the part? What is wrong with this? You might represent your constituents in your district but when you leave this state you are representing all of South Carolina. Will Joe Wilson’s son, a candidate for the State Adjutant General, feel the same way? Old folks used to say “an acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.” This is 9/11, a day to pay tribute to the fallen but we have crashed websites blogging about Joe Wilson and his outburst. I personally feel that he didn’t give a real apology, he wanted to use the time to explain his argument. As his son defended him, which I do understand, he too, stumbled through an explanation of his frustration with the president. A real man would accept responsibility for his actions. This mess can setback race relations decades. That could be somebody’s intentions. We were all so proud when the first black president was elected because it took all of us Americans to do it. We elect these people to represent us, if they can’t do the job we can elect someone else. That’s what happens to us on our regular jobs. We can’t do the job our employer finds some one else that will. We must get past name recognition and do research on these people that are running. Otherwise, if we vote simply on the name, we might get continued mess from another generation. Granted our candidate might lose but by the grace of God, people running for office will know that we, the people, mean business.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0