Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What Does a Man Want?

Many of us have misguided ideas about future relationships. We want a model on our arms but at the same time we would like to have her as our “best friend.” How many of us have the privilege of being able to have at least one of those choices? How many of us don’t get either? We’re hardly able to find a partner more so than a mate. And we wonder why so many relationships end on sour notes. We get into them for the wrong reasons. Lust fulfills us for the moment, lust does it temporarily. But it’s a lot more than just an orgasm. We all know how long that can last, just not long enough. Guys, we can’t fool ourselves. Maybe we are in it just for the nookie, but keep it real, we want more than that. When we are in love, it does, feel good! We just don’t know how long it will last. Maybe some of us tend think that love is temporary.

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