Many of us have misguided ideas about future relationships. We want a model on our arms but at the same time we would like to have her as our “best friend.” How many of us have the privilege of being able to have at least one of those choices? How many of us don’t get either? We’re hardly able to find a partner more so than a mate. And we wonder why so many relationships end on sour notes. We get into them for the wrong reasons. Lust fulfills us for the moment, lust does it temporarily. But it’s a lot more than just an orgasm. We all know how long that can last, just not long enough. Guys, we can’t fool ourselves. Maybe we are in it just for the nookie, but keep it real, we want more than that. When we are in love, it does, feel good! We just don’t know how long it will last. Maybe some of us tend think that love is temporary.
Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Well, What Do We Want?
What do you want from the person? What do you want from the relationship? Look for it, find it and stick to it. Trust and honesty can not be bought. They are gained by communication and closeness. If you have a high work ethic, you would want someone to at least work full-time. And show a desire to work steady. Hey, you know exactly what I am saying. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Once, you let a liar get away with the “stretch” of the truth. It’s on! It’s easy for them to hold back. They justify it so well. The biggest setback is the liar thinks that you don’t listen and not smart enough to know what he/she is saying. All of us have some code of morals. For some guys, it’s not noticeable at all. But it’s there. We can’t continue to use excuses from childhood, environment, society and education to disrespect our women. Yeah, there are women that don’t respect themselves but let’s not try to figure that out. We all have problems, don’t complicate them.
Relationships Are Hard Work
Who learned the lesson from breakups and broken hearts? Can it be balanced enough? One thing is guaranteed. Any relationship is hard work and if you both intend for it to last, take the good with the bad. And if you want to give 100%, go ahead. If it doesn’t work out, don’t get all broken up and hurt someone. Nobody forced you, you made the choice. Get the hell out and move on!
Move On
A broken heart takes a while to mend. You can appear to behave foolishly when you are too wrapped up in love. You can’t act or think rationally. You become out of control. Jealousy sets in and you become a complete idiot. Hey! If you are not wanted, let it go! Jealousy complicates things. It can cause major problems with too many people. Sometimes, people can cause you major problems. Long-term problems. Your irrational action can mess you up. So don’t be stupid. Move on! Men have a longer recovery period than women after a break up. We take the break up to heart and want to retaliate. We can’t forgive as easily as women do. But none of us will forget.
The Basis of Love
Hope and love are strong words. They even have biblical connections. Do not play with them! Is your future love worth it? Can you see yourself with that person? Ask yourself. Is your partner pushy, domineering? Do you feel each time you see each other, you have to undergo an inspection? Are you critiqued about what you wear or how you behave? Marriage is not a game and you want a partner not a cell mate. When hope ebbs, soon will your love. I truly do not believe that any relationship is easy. How deep is that relationship? Was it built on the curves, the hardness, and the softness? The image looks great for now. How important is the image after several years when gravity and age comes? How deep is your maturity, more importantly your love, to see pass that? I know if the loving is good and the body is right, you’re in it for the long run. At least, while it lasts. Then when the change come, what are you going to do?
In & Out Won't Work In This
Love is not an electric switch that you can turn off and on. It’s not that kind of action. Hearts are broken, feelings are hurt and wounds are deeply opened. People, be honest with each other, not abusive in anyway. Satan, the enemy, will use any deception he can find to destroy a loving relationship, even in the name of religion. But, if you are rooted in the love of Christ who strengthens you, your spirit will recognize deceiving spirits. But if the one you love justifies a reason for their action in the name of that spirit, respect it and move on. Remember, there is a time and a season for all things. God is good and merciful, all of time. In and out relationships, though at times, may seem destined for marriage, usually are heartaches and emotional roller coasters. They can do more harm than good.
Dogs & Bad Boys
We all heard that “a good woman is hard to find and when you find her keep her!” I learned that the same standard should be applied to men! But you don’t hear anyone pushing that. “Men are dogs and don’t expect anymore than that from them." Good men get abused because women want a challenge to convert somebody. Therefore, they prefer the “dogs”. They want the thugs, the beaters and the “bad boys” of the world,. Should we put all women in that category? Or should I say this is more an exception than a rule?
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tennis, Anyone?
Games are for sports not for relationships! If you sportsters want to take the show off the field, course, court and etc., leave it someplace else before you get in a relationship. Relationships are already hard work, why bring games to it? I mean, enjoy each other, laugh and joke whenever you can. Love is temporary. And nowadays, people are looking for any excuse to get out of a relationship. When you disagree, you can make up. But don’t just disagree, return what you received, ask back what you gave and say the relationship is over. Then, less than 12 hours, you profess your love and want to get back together, again, again, again, and again. That’s an emotional waste. It also becomes a game for somebody. But remember! After the games, come the playoffs!
Man Up
Ladies, be impressed with a man that loves your child and you! Admire him, treat him with love and respect, because he definitely believes in treating you with respect. Especially, if he treats your kids like his own! A man does not have to be a biological dad to make a good father. His interest is in raising and loving his family. But you can act a fool if you want to, ladies. That love can and will leave!
Women Are Shallow, Too
I am knocking the woman, because women and men both look at the outside of the cover before reading the book. And if the cover looks good, then maybe their baby will inherit one or the others’ particular looks. Not much thought on what kind of family man can this prospect be. But, who I am? I’m just a member of the good guy club. You all have heard a woman say how pretty some dude’s eyes are. Or, he has such pretty hair. At least, some body part that they admire and wonder how would his kids look. And yet, you women call guys shallow.
What About the Kids?
Another issue, her kids. They do have an impact on a relationship, don’t they? Talk about pressure! I know that can work both ways! But the woman wants the man to be liked by her family. I am sure she views her potential suitor as a possible father. But would she allow him to discipline the children? Women are fairly good judges of men. They have an idea if the guy is going to work out and click with the kids. You noticed I said fairly good judges, right? Because the baby mama drama would not exist if they knew the daddy was worth his salt.
Mom Doesn't Like Her
Let’s settle this one particular issue before we address the others. Ladies, if the man loves you but his mother does not, don’t make him choose! That extra stress some of you like to put on the man about your mother or me is unnecessary. If you trust your man enough that you know without question that he loves you, then give him the space to deal with his mom, whom he knows does not love you! That’s some pressure, ladies. And keep that “ you can go sleep with your momma” crap to yourselves. That is for perverts and perverts will not want you!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Is a Good Guy Worth It, Ladies?
Good guys are good guys. They tend to think about their mate before themselves. They have predictable behavior. They speak to folks the way they would want someone to speak to them. They apologize for any outburst in anger or causing their mate pain. Good guys want to impress upon their mate, that they can be trusted. And where does that get them? Ho-hum. Boring.....As some men reject good women, women reject good guys more. Remember? A good guy is not a challenge. Women want to accomplish something with their men. As the saying goes, “If it’s too good to be true..........” Don’t get mistreatment twisted, fellas, for love. You know what abuse is. If the woman is right, you’ll know. If she doesn’t want you, leave! Why hang around for unnecessary drama? Enjoy your life and move on. If one woman doesn’t appreciate you, another woman will. Don’t lose sleep over who will.
Woman, What Do You Want From Me?
Most of us guys tend to think that a woman does not want a good man. She wants a bad boy! Bad boys are exciting and full of intrigue! They are unpredictable and if they mistreat you, well, you knew from the start what type of thug he was. Hey fellas, I’m only relaying what several women have told me! And most of all, bad boys know how to make a woman feel good when it’s time for the loving! However, they are a challenge to the woman that wants to change that bad boy image to a good guy. In that case, it will be time to find another bad boy. Deep inside, many women want to be respected, treated equally and loved unconditionally. They may like to be seen with the “cool guy” but the possible mistreatment is something they might like to avoid. No one likes to be abused and degraded. And in time, the woman leaves that relationship to start a new bad boy cycle.
What Am I To You?
Soul mates won’t have signs on them to let you know who they are, but they fit in comfortably. If you’re patient, you’ll know. And don’t let go, if you do find that special person. Pray and love each other deeply and truly. Don’t take each other for granted. Always make each other feel special. It will go a long way.
A Love of Your Own
Find a love of your own. Leave the “taken” women alone. Married. If you find a single woman do not rush to love. She might have baggage but so do you. Most of the time women are better handling their baggage than men. Be upfront with each other, find out what you both want from each other and don’t fake it. That includes all facets in life including lovemaking. If you like freaks, let her know. Give up on finding the “perfect” woman. Find the one that’s perfect for you.
Love or Lust?
Do you want love or lust? Keep it simple and avoid unnecessary drama. Skip the games, be upfront with the woman. Do not put the woman on a pedestal, she is not worth it. Even if she treats you right do not elevate her to celestial standing. Understand that she knows your weaknesses and will sometimes play them against you.
Set of Age Standards
Develop a set of standards. Who to date, who not to date. My suggestion, stick within your age group. Don’t be a sponsor or sugar daddy for the little young girls. Any age ten years above and below yours should be carefully considered. Generation gaps exist, don’t think love conquers all. Your thinking levels are way off. 5-7 years should be your cutoff. There are rare exceptions to how some younger mates relate, but they are not the norm. It depends on the maturity level of your partner and what they want from you.
Save A Little Of Yourself
I might sound selfish, but don’t give 100% of yourself. It may be love at first sight but pray that the scales of fantasy fall swiftly from your eyes. You can get so wrapped up in love that when you’re hit with the reality bug, it can really hurt you. A broken heart will take a long time to mend. Life is too short to feel sorry for yourself. So, save some happiness for yourself.
Where Do I Go From Here?
When hope is gone, so is the love. Don’t fool yourself any longer. When the woman stops loving you for whatever the reason, you must ask yourself, is it worth the work to regain her love? I do mean hard labor.
This Can Stress You Out
In and out, on again and off again relationships should be avoided at all costs. You are setting yourself up. Keep letting her come back and forth will only take you to an emotional meltdown. And you keep begging to go back and not change yourself will not help at all. Get on with your life, man! I know it’s hard but get over it!
Cracks & Wedges
The mother will see that you genuinely love the family. If you separate from the relationship for whatever reason, keep in touch with the children. You might not mean anything to the mother anymore, but you might have been something to the little ones. It might be hard to adjust to this, but it is not the childrens' fault that you and the mom could not get along with each other.
On the flip side of the coin, don’t let anyone put a wedge between you and your immediate family either. Only family knows what each other situations are. At times they share their problems. But most of the time, that’s all you got, family. And if you got a family that sticks together, they are like best friends. They get mad at you and might not speak for a while. But, you know that they have your back and are there for you when no one else is. Unfortunately, some of us have co-workers that are closer to us than some family members.
On the flip side of the coin, don’t let anyone put a wedge between you and your immediate family either. Only family knows what each other situations are. At times they share their problems. But most of the time, that’s all you got, family. And if you got a family that sticks together, they are like best friends. They get mad at you and might not speak for a while. But, you know that they have your back and are there for you when no one else is. Unfortunately, some of us have co-workers that are closer to us than some family members.
Blood Is Thicker
Blood is thicker than water! If you enter a relationship as part of an extended family, do not expect to have unconditional authority. Expect it and deal with it. How can you suggest raising somebody else’s kids when you never had any experience? Common sense and your own upbringing may not count, you still don’t have the experience. Of course, I’m being facetious. I believe we all have a natural instinct to raise our young.
Be True To Yourself
Don’t stop being a good person! Be yourself! You do not change for anyone, anymore! Compromise if you need to, but stay true to yourself! Maintain your principles, hopefully, you’ll have some. If you treat women with respect, don’t stop! I repeat, don’t stop! However, let that woman know you will not take any crap right at the beginning of your relationship, friendship or whatever.
Be Real
There are great things in this world and sometimes you see them if you have great people by your side. Fame and fortune are not the principal ingredients for a true relationship. People with titles or initials after their names might sound good but are not always good for you. Not everything will go your way when two people are involved. Everyone is an individual, be real up front with that philosophy and hope you are respected by it. Respect and honesty and most of all forgiveness, to me, are the major ingredients of having a loving relationship.
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